Chapter 1

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Warning ⚠️ contains : suicidal thoughts and cutting
If you have depression I advise you to stop reading this plz and thank you

Keith POV

       Ugh my head is pounding, I can't stand it. I was in bed and was getting a massive migraine from lack of sleep and deep training. I probably slept for 3 hours again and trained hours and hours till my muscles where to stiff or too sore from fighting the robots in the training deck. I was probably training till midnight or something and Shiro said to go to sleep but refused too.

       I barely sleep because of my nightmares. They are the worst thing and I'm so scared that one day it may scar me for life. Lately everyone had been worried about me because I barely eat also. But who cares if I eat or not if I'm still a monster, even if I stay in bed no one will realize I am missing. I hate myself so much that I should die. But how should I kill my self if I don't have the gut to do it.

    Wow your so worthless just do it, no one would care. Your just a monster, a freak people hate you go die you filthy animal.

     I should but there is one thing that is stopping me doing this. I'm in love with Lance but I bet you he doesn't like me back since we are enemies and such. And who would want to be in love with the lonely pilot. He's more into girls that's for sure since he flirts with them all the time when we are on our missions. He hates me.  I should just go back to sleep and don't care about it since it's not gonna happen in a million years. God why do I have to be so damn depressed about everything.

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