Chapter One ~ Moving

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Taehyung's POV ~

I always find car rides tedious yet the rain calms me somewhat and gives me something to focus on, I watch as the drops race down the window and allow a sigh to pass my lips. I would rather be outside in the rain than stuck in this car, why did Namjoon insist on us moving to another town.

"Hyung what's wrong?" You've been super quiet since we left the old house, everything okay?" I shifted in my seat, turning to face my younger brother sitting beside me.

"I'm fine Jungkook, just tired."

"It's because of Rose right? I know you guys had something going on but maybe you'll meet someone better here, it's a chance for all of us to start fresh after what happened."

I chuckled and shook my head, it definitely wasn't because of Rose.

"Rose isn't that special to me Jungkook, yeah she's hot but we didn't even go on a date. It was more of a sexual thing, you know how it goes." I smirked, laughing when my younger brother rolled his eyes.

"So what's wrong then? I know you hyung and there's something on your mind, maybe talking about it will help."

"I liked our old house, I was happy at our old college and now everything is changing because of a stupid decision Yoongi hyung made. I don't see why all of us have to suffer for something he did." I lowered my voice to keep the conversation between myself and Jungkook.

"Yoongi hyung didn't do it on purpose, he lost control and that's something we've all done on occasion. I don't think we should continue to blame him for this, he's already suffered enough with the guilt so maybe we should give him a chance to redeem himself."

"I just don't see why we've all got to move, Yoongi was the one who made a mistake so he should be the one punished not all of us."

Jungkook opened his mouth and was about to reply when another voice interrupted us.

"Because we're a pack Taehyung, we're family and where one goes we all go. You should listen to Jungkook, Yoongi feels guilty enough for what happened and as his pack we should give him a chance to redeem himself. Nobody is getting punished, we're moving to a new town which could be a good thing for all of us." Jin hyung spoke to us from the drivers seat with a stern tone.

I knew he was right, Yoongi wouldn't ever do anything to intentionally hurt the pack and I was well aware of how guilty he felt but there was a part of me which was still angry over us having to move.

"I know, I just didn't want to leave the city." I mumbled, quickly avoiding the intense gaze Jin was giving me.

"The city wasn't a good place for us to live, it's better we live somewhere more rural." Jin replied.

"Hyung is right plus think of all the space! There's plenty of forest for us to enjoy and the mountains, it'll be so much fun. The clean air, the cooler weather. It's perfect for us, just give it a chance Tae, I'm sure you'll love it." Jimin suddenly spoke up, turning around in his seat to look at me.

"I thought you were sleeping." I cocked a brow, not exactly appreciating how everyone was turning against me.

"I was, now I'm awake. I'm just saying, think of the possibilities." Jimin flashed me his biggest smile, eyes basically disappearing. I couldn't ever stay mad at him when he smiled like that, damn him and his ability to be so freaking adorable. I loved all my brothers but was closer to Jimin, we shared a connection and he always knew how to make me feel better.

"I'm excited for the dance studio! Apparently they're looking for a new instructor on the weekends, they do all kinds of dancing. I'm thinking of signing up for a few classes and possibly applying for a weekend job there to coincidence with my work at the gym." Hobi hyung was the next to speak, turning around and popping his head over the seat so he could see us.

"Yeah, they apparently do contemporary classes. I might sign up for that, it'll be fun." Jimin responded, looking up at Hobi with a smile.

"Sure, we can go after you finish your lectures tomorrow and sign up together if you want?" Hobi smiled as Jimin gave a nod, the two of them seemed happy to be leaving the city and that irritated me. Was I the only one who wasn't happy about this?

"There's also a library there, it's got some first edition classics that I really want to check out." Namjoon hyung now joined in, he was sitting beside Jin at the front with his feet resting up on the dashboard. Seriously? Even Namjoon seemed happy about this.

The only one who hadn't spoke yet was Yoongi, my eyes fell across his sleeping form and even though he was my brother and I undoubtedly loved him there was still a part of me that was angry and disappointed with him.

"I can feel you staring at me Tae, I've said sorry countless times and I'm not sure exactly what else you want me to do." Yoongi didn't open his eyes as he spoke, his voice wavered. I knew he was upset, as a pack we can often sense the emotion another is feeling. I suddenly felt bad for him.

"I know you didn't do it on purpose hyung, don't worry about it okay." I responded with a forced smile before Jin finally stopped the car.

"Guys, we're here. Home sweet home, what do you think?" Jin clicked open his belt and pushed open the door, the rest of us piled out of the car one by one.

"Whoa this place is perfect!" Jimin gasped in amazement at our new place, he ran after Jungkook who was already opening the front door and yelling that he was going to pick his bedroom.

"YAH! Take off your shoes before traipsing mud all through the house! Jin shouted, rolling his eyes as Jungkook and Jimin ignored his request.

"Damn kids." He grumbled and followed after them.

"I'll start unpacking the car." Namjoon stated, opening the trunk and grabbing the first few bags.

"I'll help!" Hobi smiled, placing a hand on my shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze before moving to the car and grabbing more bags.

"I'm sorry Tae, truly sorry." Yoongi whispered before slinging his bag over his shoulder and walking towards the house.

I stood still for a moment, taking in a deep breath of the cool fresh air.

I'll try my best to give this place a chance and hopefully learn to forgive Yoongi for his past mistakes.

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Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now