Chapter Seventy Five ~ Samuel

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Samuel watched as Taehyung walked Y/N to her door, the two lovers saying their goodbyes after having sex in the front of Taehyung's truck

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Samuel watched as Taehyung walked Y/N to her door, the two lovers saying their goodbyes after having sex in the front of Taehyung's truck.

It made Samuel feel sick, how the hell could this human be his.....he closed his eyes and shook that thought from his head.

It was too late now, Taehyung had already claimed her so it didn't matter.

Hunter had told him to stay away from Y/N, said that there was a plan in place and nobody was to make a move until he gave his permission but Samuel was never one to adhere to rules and hated people telling him what to do even when that person was his Alpha.

It wasn't wise for him to spend too much time around her though, so far he had managed to keep his secret hidden from the rest of the pack but for how long could he do that? Hunter wasn't stupid, there was a reason he was Alpha and if Samuel wasn't careful sooner or later he would catch on and then it would be game over for him.

Yoongi had the right idea, getting out when he had the chance and part of Samuel wished he could do the same.....but he wasn't brave like Yoongi was.

He was a coward.

Too afraid of the consequences.....too afraid of Hunter.

Samuel wasn't a pure blood, he was just a normal teenage kid with hopes and dreams of making something of his life but one night out drinking with friends changed everything.

He wanted to go back and change what happened that night, why didn't he just call for a cab? Why did he decide to walk home using the shortcut through the woods?

That was where Hunter attacked him, left him for dead and during the next full moon came for him again.

Samuel was terrified, he didn't know what was happening or how to control it and so reluctantly he agreed to be part of Hunter's pack.

He didn't want to risk hurting his family, he would never forgive himself if something happened to them and so he left with Hunter.

Samuel missed his family, often thinking of them and wondering if they missed him too....did they still hate him?

The hurtful words he said that day still haunt him, the way his mother broke down in tears when he blamed her for his father leaving them.

Yet he had to say something, she needed to hate him......he needed her to let him go.

It still broke him apart whenever he thought about it, the way she clung to his arm begging him not to leave....the countless voicemails pleading with him to come home.

Then they stopped, apart from once a year.....every September 1st on his birthday she would call.

Beg him to come home.

Apologise over and over for whatever she did to drive him away.

Then one day he couldn't take it anymore and got a new phone, tossed his old one and never looked back.

He was doing this to protect her, as much as it broke his heart this was the right thing to do.

He was too far gone, too deep into Hunter's world and there would never be any escaping it.

Samuel watched as Taehyung returned to his car, hating how jealous he felt that she was his.

Why did Samuel feel this way, Y/N was Taehyung's mate and yet everything inside him screamed


How was the possible? It wasn't.....a wolf couldn't have the same mate as another......right?

Then again there was still so much Samuel didn't know about his kind, it could be possible but how would it even work? What was the point in even caring? She was already mated to Taehyung, he didn't stand a chance.

Not that he wanted one.

Samuel immediately noticed the moment Taehyung picked up his sent, he was surprised the spell had worked for this long.

At least he got to see her.

Even if he did have to watch as another man touched her, the image of them together caused his stomach to turn.

Samuel watched as Taehyung narrowed his eyes, head falling back slightly as he attempted to track him.

This was his cue to head home. 

Samuel turned, racing through the trees with Taehyung not far behind.

Damn this guy was fast, yet he was faster.

Samuel just needed to reach camp, he knew Taehyung wouldn't cross over to their territory alone.

It was only once they reached the border that Taehyung stopped just as Samuel predicted, growling and baring his teeth.

It was a warning to stay away from his land, pack and mate.

Samuel simply cocked his head and smirked.

"See you at school tomorrow Taehyung."

The look of shock on Taehyung's face was enough to make him laugh.

It was all part of Hunter's plan.

His words from earlier that day kept playing on a loop.

Cause trouble

Break the pack apart

Make her trust you

Samuel was conflicted, the first two he could do easily but the last one would mean spending time with her.....getting to know her and the question was could he do that......and not get emotionally involved.

Just what was she to him?

((It's getting interesting huh? Lol before anyone asks no this is nothing like Twilight, he doesn't have these feelings for her because she's pregnant and he's going to do a Jacob and imprint on the child lol she's not pregnant and the reason he feels this way for her is for an entirely different reason. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to hit the star button if you did and get ready for the next chapter. It's about to get very interesting.....))

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