Chapter Seventy Eight ~ Jealousy & Selcas

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There's a feeling of dread, an invisible demon sitting heavy on Y/N's shoulders and only she can hear the sharpening of it's knives.

Today everything was going to change.

Bam was dead and people would soon find out.

The rival pack was preparing for war and could attack when they least expect it.

Samuel was going to be attending their school.

School....the mere thought of it made her nauseous.

It was the sound of Taehyung's phone vibrating across her bedside table that tore her away from the clutches of foreboding.

"Taehyung?" Her voice came out as a broken whisper, the man in question still sound asleep.

"Taehyung your phone." Y/N went for a second attempt, this time adding a gentle elbow nudge to his side but he simply rolled over.

It was pointless to try again so she grabbed the phone herself, only wanting to cease the vibration so she could get another fifteen minutes of sleep.


The name across the screen caused her eyes to narrow and heart to race, what the hell was she doing calling Taehyung?

"Taehyung you have a call." Y/N snapped, she didn't mean to but jealousy had suddenly overwhelmed her.

The second elbow to his side was enough to rouse him from the deep slumber, with a furrowed brow and sleep filled eyes he took the phone and answered.

"Hello." His deep voice which was always extra husky in the morning broke the silence.

Did he seriously just answer the call?

The moment Megan responded with a sad "Hey." Taehyung knew he had seriously fucked up, why didn't he check who was calling first? This wasn't going to go down well, he could feel Y/N's eyes on him and knew she was furious.

"Megan you need to stop calling me, I won't ask you again. I told you before that whatever we had is over, nothing will change my mind. I'm with Y/N, she's always been the one." Taehyung didn't even give the heartbroken girl a chance to respond, he simply ended the call and sighed.

"My love please forgive me, I didn't even check the phone when you passed it over to me. I just answered, thinking it could be one of the guys."

Taehyung finally met her puffy eyes and his heart stopped.

"Baby why the fuck are you crying?" He chuckled, moving across the bed to place a kiss on her forehead.

"I would never want anyone else, don't you trust me?" He smiled, gently using the pads of his thumbs to wipe away her tears.

"I honestly don't know what the hell is wrong with me Taehyung, I do trust you. I know you would never do anything to hurt me, it's not that. I'm just one huge emotional mess right  now, going back to school today is the last thing I want to be doing and now we've got Samuel to worry about. The rival pack could attack at any given moment and we're not fully prepared for that and then sooner of later everyone will find out about Bam. I'll have to see his family fall apart at his funeral....fuck.....I'm going to bury one of my best friends." Y/N shook her head, fighting back more tears.

"Then your phone rings and I see her name flashing across it and something just snapped, I got jealous for a brief moment and I know there's no need for me to be jealous but I just hate the fact she still has your number and that's she's calling you. I knew eventually break would be over and all of us would be going back to school but it's happened so quickly, going back knowing Samuel and Megan will be there and Bam won't......I guess it's just me starting to panic and get overly emotional."

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now