Chapter Seventeen ~ Hey

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Y/N's POV.

I didn't know what to expect the following day, would everything go back to normal once Taehyung decided it was a huge mistake talking to me? I was nervous, couldn't even stomach breakfast before leaving the house and as my fingers spun the numerical dial on my locker they trembled.

"Y/N what's wrong?" Jisoo furrowed her brow, concern evident.

"I'm fine, just don't know what to expect from Taehyung today after what happened."

I told Jisoo and Bam everything about what happened the other day with Taehyung before we left my house this morning, leaving out the half naked part as it didn't feel right to embarrass Taehyung like that as clearly he wasn't in his right mind.

"I....well you're actually about to find out what's going to happen." Jisoo widened her eyes, pointing over my shoulder.

"Oh no." I whispered to myself, turning around to see Taehyung and Jimin walking through the main campus entrance.

"Did you guys hear that he broke things off with Megan this morning?" Bam suddenly appeared beside us, Yerin with him.

"Yeah, it's true. I heard her crying as she was telling the head of department she wasn't feeling well and needed to go home so naturally I was curious as to what was going on with her, I may have followed her to the bathroom where she was breaking her heart and telling her minions Tae broke up with her over the phone this morning." Yerin loved gossip, her eyes were practically shimmering with excitement as she spoke.

"My little gossip Queen." Bam chuckled as he kissed her forehead.

I couldn't believe it....Taehyung ended his relationship with Megan but why? It couldn't possibly be me right? That didn't make sense, he hardly knows me yet since yesterday nothing really added up. I needed answers and the only person who could give them was currently walking towards me.


I swallowed hard, Kim Taehyung was actually talking to me....what the hell?

"Hey." I managed to squeak out making him smile.

Why does he have to look so amazing, don't get me wrong he always looks good but today he went all out.

The earring he was wearing kissed the red silk collar of his shirt, light ash coloured hair cascading in messy waves over his striking blue eyes. I swear they always seem to be different colours whenever I see him, definitely contacts but the colour suits him.

"Had enough or do you want me to take a photo for you? That way you can look at me whenever you want kitten." I swear my heart skips a beat as he leans closer and whispers, the soft flesh of his lips brushing over my ear.

"Sorry, didn't mean to stare." I stutter to which he chuckles.

Also did he just call me kitten?!

What kind of twilight zone have I stepped into?

I step back but gasp when his hand grabs my waist and pulls me closer.

"I want you to eat lunch with me today."

I furrow my brow. "Is that an order or a request?"

"Just make sure you're waiting at my table."

"I'm not a dog Taehyung." I push my index finger into his chest.

"No you're not." He gentle brushes his lips against my ear before whispering. "Please join me at lunch." He winks before dropping his arm from around my waist and walking away down the corridor.

"See you at lunch kitten." Jimin chuckles, a teasing lilt to his voice before he follows Taehyung.

"What the hell was that?!" Bam whispered as the crowd of students around me slowly start to disperse.

"I have no idea." I lean back against my locker and try to wrap my head around what just happened, one minute he can't stand me and the next he's all over me.

"So, are you going to have lunch with him?" Jisoo asks with a smirk.

"Yes but only because I've got questions that he needs to answer."

I was determined to discover more about Kim Taehyung, he owed me that much at least.

Taehyung's POV

"So, how difficult was that for you?" Jimin was trying his best to remain serious yet he wasn't fooling me, I knew he was trying to suppress a knowing smirk and so I rolled my eyes.

"Don't even go there." I grumbled as he finally let the smirk form.

I hate my wolf sometimes....kitten....really? I couldn't even stop him from saying it.

I really need the full moon to pass already because I'm acting like an absolute moron.

Who just orders someone to eat lunch with them? Did I really just whisper in her ear....fuck my life.

"I mean, I don't blame you....she's not even my mate but the scent she's carrying around....damn."

I snapped my head up, eyes dark.

"Don't you dare think about her in that way." I growled.

Jimin was my brother but if he so much as looked at my girl the wrong way it wouldn't end well for him, I would make sure he suffered for thinking he could take what was mine.

"Calm down hyung, even I can pick her scent up. It's close to her time of the month, she's getting ready for ovulation which for our kind is when our mate goes into their heat cycle. It's best you be careful around her when that happens, your lust for her will be insatiable." Jungkook speaks from behind, I spin around and cock a brow.

"Where did you even appear from?!" I widened my eyes in disbelief as my younger brother suddenly appeared, he was looking down at his phone as he spoke with legs crossed at the ankles.

"I had a history paper to finish, I just got back from the library and spotted you guys with Y/N." He shrugged before returning his attention back to the phone.

"Why do you know so much about all of this." I cock a brow, growing slightly irritated that my two brothers are also picking up my mates scent.

"I read Namjoon's journal remember, I actually show an interest in our kind."

"It's not that I'm not interested....I just still haven't really accepted my true form yet." It wasn't easy, to go from my human life to one of a monster, I lost so much and there's a part of me that still resents the creature I've become.

I'm also scared that once she finds out, I'll lose her too....I'll lose Y/N.

I can't lose her.

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now