Chapter Twenty Seven ~ Onesie

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Taehyung was finding it difficult to focus, Y/N was wearing the most adorable panda onesie yet he was still thinking sexual thoughts.

"You want the chocolate or strawberry milk? I've got one of each." She shuffled over to the bed and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"You're fucking adorable, get yourself over here." Tae grabbed both milk cartons and placed them on the bedside table before grabbing her cute little panda ass and pulling her closer.

"Tae!" Y/N giggled as he attacked her neck with kisses.

"Yes sweetheart." He mumbled between kisses.

"I want my milk."

"Fine." He grumbled and reluctantly moved away as she lay beside him on the bed.

"Hey Mr Grumpy, you want chocolate or strawberry?" 

"I'll take whatever you don't sweetheart." Tae could never stay mad at her, one smile or kiss was enough to completely break him.

"Okay, you can have the chocolate then."

"Thanks my love." Tae pressed play on the next episode of Stranger Things and smiled when Y/N snuggled up right next to him.

"Hey there." He smirked, wrapping his arm around her and placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"Hey back." She chuckled, enjoying her milk and getting fully immersed in the show.

Taehyung wanted to enjoy the show but he couldn't, he knew spending time alone with Y/N would be difficult for him as it was mating season but this was absolute torture. Taehyung wanted to claim her, everything about Y/N was driving him absolutely crazy.

"You okay Tae? You seem distant tonight, something happening at home?" Taehyung didn't even notice the show was paused and that Y/N was now sitting cross legged in front of him.

"It's a little stressful at home but's not that." Taehyung was really starting to lose control, even sitting there in her adorable panda onesie she was driving him wild....coming here tonight wasn't the best idea.

"It's not me is it?" She was messing with her fingers, eyes not really meeting his which always meant she was worried about something.

"No sweetheart, you've done nothing wrong....hey come here." Taehyung hated her thinking she wasn't making him happy, she was everything to him and without her he wouldn't even make sense anymore. It wasn't something he could explain, not until the time was right....he wasn't ready to confess to her what he was yet.

Taehyung wanted to have sex with her, he badly wanted to show her how much she means to him but he wanted to do this right and not rush anything and he was trying his absolute hardest right now to be around her and not do anything he would later regret.

He didn't want to lose control.

"I'm just tired my love, nothing for you to worry about." He gently moved his thumb along her jaw, eyes dropping to her lips.

"You're so beautiful Y/N, I can never get enough of you."

"Is that so?" Y/N smiled, gently moving her fingers through his hair. 

"Yep, there's nothing you can say to change my mind on that." Taehyung closed his eyes, his body instantly reacting to her touch. "That feels nice."

"I can tell you a joke to cheer you up, I'm pretty good at those."

"Oh really?" Taehyung chuckled, kissing her nose and pulling her close so she was now straddling his lap.

"Yep! what do you call a bee that's having a bad hair day?"

"I don't know....what do you call a bee having a bad hair day?" He chuckled, this perfect woman had his complete attention.

"A frisbee.......get it?" Her eyes widened as she waited for his reaction, the joke itself was terrible but the way she said it and the adorable way in which she was looking at him now made him smile.

"You're so damn cute."

In that moment Taehyung felt his heart race because whenever Y/N looked at him it was as if every ounce of breath was taken from his lungs floating into the air like midnight smoke. Every time she kissed him it felt like the world stopped, leaving just the two of them to wander the earth together. Every time she held his face between her hands it felt like she was untying all of his knots. Holding him for eternity in the arms he's grown so accustomed to. This is what falling in love was like, a story you never wanted to end. For so long he had longed but been afraid of it, and now he can't bare to lose it....lose this thing that makes him feel so complete.

He would tell her, tomorrow he would tell her everything.

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now