Chapter Twenty Six ~ Rejection

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Namjoon made his way down to the basement, each and every step he took the Alpha prepared himself for the worst.

Mating season was difficult for all of them, especially as the majority of them still hadn't found their mate but for Jin it was absolute torture. Namjoon wished there was something he could do, many times the Alpha had tried to offer his assistance but Jin was stubborn and refused his support.

"Hyung?" Namjoon balanced the tray of food he was carrying and pushed open the door, Jin was sitting with his back against the wall inside one of the cages.

"Hey Joon." Jin's voice was weak and Namjoon could immediately sense how broken he was.

"I got you some food, figured you could use some." Namjoon approached the cage cautiously, he knew Jin would never intentionally hurt him but there was no guarantee.

"I'm not that hungry." Jin breathed out, eyes distant as he watched his alpha approach the cage.

"You need to eat hyung, it'll do you no good to starve. I know how painful it must be for you....."

"You have no idea Namjoon, none of you do."

Namjoon used his keys to open the door, quickly opening it just enough to slide the tray of food through before closing it again.

"I know it must be painful for you, I wish there was something I could do."

"Painful isn't even the right word to describe what it's like to have your mate reject you, to long for someone so much that it physically hurts to not be near them. I hurt Joon....I really fucking hurt and I'm tired."   

Namjoon hated seeing his hyung in so much physical and emotional turmoil, he felt like he was failing him.

"You can stop this pain, you know what you need to do." Jin finally let his tired eyes settle on his brother, Namjoon immediately shook his head and backed away from the cage.

"I'm not doing it Jin, there's no way."

"You always ask me if there's anything you can do to help....there is but you're too chicken shit to do it."

"I'M NOT CHICKEN SHIT!" Namjoon growled, his wolf threatening to take over. "I just refuse to do that, you mean too much to mean too much to this pack and there's no way I'll ever do what you're asking. You can hate me all you want, that's the price I pay for leading this pack, I make the difficult decisions....the ones nobody else wants to."      

"Then leave, I've got nothing more to say to you."

"Don't be so stubborn and eat....I'm not asking anymore hyung." The alpha was running out of patience, he didn't want to use his position as leader to force Jin to eat but he wasn't left with another choice.

"Fine." He grumbled out, lowering himself in submission before pulling the tray closer.

Namjoon waited for Jin to start eating before feeling himself relax.

"Don't ever ask me to do that again hyung, I can't do this without you." Namjoon rarely showed his vulnerable side, it wasn't something he allowed himself to do as the alpha but with Jin it was different.

"I'm sorry Joon, I just lose myself sometimes."

"I'll always help you find your way back hyung."


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