Chapter Fifty Five ~ Secrets

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Taehyung couldn't stop himself from smiling even if he tried, not even the teasing of his pack could sour his mood.   

"Morning." He beams, gushes like a lovesick puppy.

"Morning." Six voices reply, amusement evident in their tones as he strides across the floor and grabs two plates.

"So, it went well then?" Namjoon enquires with a cocked brow, eyes playful as he watches his younger brother pile up pancakes.

"Of course it did, didn't you hear them last night." Jimin interjects with an amused chuckle as Taehyung simply smirks, nothing will bring his mood down today.

"Wow, he's really not going to bite back." Hobi laughs as Taehyung shakes his head, pouring generous amounts of syrup over each stack of pancakes. 

"Nope, my mood is too great and there's nothing you guys can say to bring me down." Taehyung helps himself to two glasses of apple juice, filling the sweet nectar to the rim of each glass.

"I've never seen him smile this much, I'm starting to get freaked out." Jungkook breathes out, grinning like an idiot as he watches his hyung search through cupboards before finding a tray to place his breakfast feast on.

"That's because he's happy, he deserves to be." Jin smiles from over the rim of his mug as he takes a sip of coffee, if only all of them could feel that level of happy.

"Y/N okay?" Yoongi finally speaks up from his place on the couch, tired eyes watching as Taehyung disappears out the patio door only to return seconds later with a daisy between his fingers.

"She's perfect." Taehyung replies, eyes still on the delicate white petals of his chosen flower which he places next to Y/N's plate.

"Christ, will this happen to all of us when we finally discover our mate?" Jimin laughs, never did he expect this from Taehyung.

"It's something you can't control." Jin speaks, oblivious to the stares he receives from his pack. "Claiming and marking your mate only strengthens an already indestructible bond, imagine loving someone with all your heart and then triple that when you finally claim and mark them. It'll happen to all of you, so cut Taehyung some slack." Jin finished his coffee, dropped his dirty plates in the sink and after congratulating his brother a final time left the room with a worried looking Namjoon trailing after him.

"I'm going for a run." Yoongi growls out, ignoring the confused stares from the remaining pack as he stalks out the patio door.

"What the hell was that about?" Jimin questions out loud.

"Nothing that concerns us, at least not yet." Taehyung replies as he picks up the tray filled with breakfast treats and heads for the stairs.

"I've never seen hyung like that before, should we be worried?" Jungkook questions as he approaches the patio, watching as Yoongi disappears through the trees.

"It's his business Jungkook, if he wants to talk with us about it then he will but we can't force him." Jimin replies with a yawn as he stretches out his aching limbs.

"I'm taking a shower." Jimin adds as he leaves the room.

"Don't worry too much Jungkook, Yoongi has always preferred dealing with his issues alone. Just give him time to cool off, he'll be fine later." Hobi tried to reassure his younger brother as he gathered the rest of their dirty dishes.

"Yeah but he shouldn't have to suffer alone hyung, we're a pack and we figure stuff out together." 

"Even a pack has secrets Jungkook." Hobi dumps the plates in the sink and starts washing. "Just give him some space, help me with the dishes." He grabs a towel and holds it out, Jungkook hesitates, part of him wants to follow Yoongi but the other part takes heed of Hobi's words.

"Okay." He takes the towel, not buying the forced smile Hobi gives him.....he's hiding something.


Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now