Chapter Forty Three ~ Questions

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She didn't reject us, she wants us! 

Sobyeol was beyond excited and he wasn't the only one, Taehyung couldn't believe how well Y/N had reacted to his confession and the shift which followed.

Can I keep you....

Those words repeated on a constant loop, she still wanted him and Taehyung couldn't quite believe his luck.

We need to mark her, claim her! Taehyung you must do this, we must!

Calm down Sobyeol, we'll do this when the time is right. I want this just as much as you do, don't forget there's the ceremony to prepare and all the pack needs to be here for that.

I can't wait much longer, we must be quick Taehyung.

Sobyeol patience.

Taehyung needed to shift, Sobyeol currently had more control and now wasn't the time or place to start marking his mate. It would be much easier in his human form to take charge and control the urges, plus Y/N asked him a question.....can I keep you and he sure as hell wanted to give her the answer.

"Taehyung is about to shift back Y/N, you may want to give him space." Namjoon motioned for her to join him on the porch.

"It's going to hurt him again, isn't it?" Y/N was reluctant to leave his side but did as Namjoon suggested.

"It'll hurt just as much but it's something Taehyung has done countless times so you really don't need to worry, it'll be over with a few minutes." 

Taehyung didn't want her to see him go through a shift again so soon after witnessing the first one especially when it seemed to upset her so much.

Hyung I'll shift just through the trees, watch over her until I'm back.

Of course Tae, she's in safe hands.

"Taehyung doesn't want you to have to see him shift again, he'll do it somewhere more private. I can get you a drink, we can talk for a couple of minutes until he comes back if you want?"

"Sure, we can do that. I'm guessing he'll be okay?" Y/N watched as Taehyung headed for the forest, she didn't want him to be alone but Namjoon didn't seem worried so surely everything would be okay.

"It's fine Y/N, he's perfectly safe. I've got tea, coffee, hot chocolate or we've got some fruit juice?"

Y/N sat down at the counter, watching Namjoon as he busied himself in the kitchen opening and closing cupboards to see what he could offer their guest.

"I'll take a tea please."

"One tea coming up." Namjoon sent a wink her way as he filled the pot with water.

"So this whole mate thing? I'm guessing there's more to reveal, it's not really a normal relationship." Y/N had so many questions and she wasn't even sure where to start, they didn't have time to answer all of them today but there was always tomorrow.

"I won't lie, the whole process of marking and claiming a mate isn't exactly what you expect especially to a human." Namjoon lit the stove as he replied.

"Explain what happens as best you can, what happens with the marking?" That part immediately got her attention, was it a physical mark or more like an emotional connection.

"When a werewolf marks his mate he or she will bite them, it's not deep or even that painful but a mark will be left behind both physical and emotional. It'll cement the bond between you, the feelings you already have will grow more intense but that's obviously going to happen as you were both destined to be together. Think of it this way, all of us are like one giant puzzle and you're Tae's missing piece and now he's found you he's complete."

Y/N couldn't help but grin like an idiot, how did she end up this lucky.

"So what about claiming? Isn't that the same as marking?" 

"Erm not really no." Namjoon got a little flustered as he poured them both a mug of tea.

"Claiming is slightly different, Taehyung marks you but in a more intimate way.....he erm, two will have sex and he'll release inside you." Namjoon fumbled with the cups as he placed one down by Y/N and took the other for himself.

"Oh, that's not what I expected."  Y/N felt her cheeks heat up as she thanked Namjoon for the tea and took a sip to distract herself from the embarrassment.

"It's part of the ceremony." 

"Ceremony?!" Y/N's eyes widened as she looked at Namjoon over the rim of her cup.

"It's what happens when a wolf finally claims and marks his mate, it's tradition for all packs. Taehyung will officially present you to us as his mate, we each give our blessing and then before the pack he'll mark you and then the two of you go somewhere private for the claiming as we celebrate." 

"Wait....let me get this right." Y/N placed her tea down. "I'll go with Tae and have sex whilst you guys will be celebrating the fact we're off sealing the deal?"

Namjoon chuckled. "I guess you could put it that way, like I's tradition for all packs."

"I see." Y/N was still trying to wrap her head around all the information Namjoon had just given her, there was so much for her to learn but they could take it one step at a time.

"So when does the marking and claiming take place?" Y/N asked, brow cocked quizzically.

"As soon as possible."

Y/N turned her attention to Taehyung who was standing by the patio door.

"How long have you been standing there?" Y/N chuckled and felt her heart miss a few beats, why did he have to be so damn attractive

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"How long have you been standing there?" Y/N chuckled and felt her heart miss a few beats, why did he have to be so damn attractive.

"Long enough, which reminds me." Taehyung took long strides to reach the kitchen counter where she was sitting, in one swift movement he spun her around and their lips met in a passionate kiss. 

"The answer to your question is yes

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"The answer to your question is yes." Taehyung breathed out once breaking the kiss.

"You can keep me."

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now