Chapter Thirty Nine ~ Sneaking Out

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"I can't believe you're making me do this." Bam grumbled as he trudged behind Y/N on the forest path. 

"I didn't make you do anything, I said did you want a late night adventure and you came willingly."  Y/N spun around to face him, the flashlight on her phone momentarily blinding him.

"I thought you would maybe suggest a club or going out for food not walking through a creepy ass forest late at night because you're worried about your boyfriend! I don't get it Y/N, if you're worried just call him and I'm sure he'll put your mind at ease."

"It's not that simple, for the longest time now I've got this feeling that Tae's hiding something from me and he's had so many opportunities to tell me but still doesn't. I'm worried he's got himself in serious trouble and he's just trying to protect me from discovering the truth, this won't take long. I just want to drop by his place and make sure he's okay, that he's not in trouble."

"I don't get why you called me instead of Jisoo."

"Honestly, she didn't answer her phone so most likely she's working."

"Great, so I'm basically your second choice."

"I wouldn't say second choice....I was planning on asking you both to come with me anyway." 

"I just hope you know what you're doing Y/N, Taehyung made you promise to keep yourself safe and yet you're here doing the exact opposite. I don't know the guy very well because we don't exactly hang out much but he's not going to be happy with you for lying to him."

Y/N knew Bam was right, Taehyung would be hurt by her betrayal but she was worried about him and besides it wasn't like he would ever find out.

"Tae won't find out, we'll just make sure he's okay and then we'll walk home."

"I hope you're right."

Y/N felt a twinge of guilt as the two walked, she would never do anything to deliberately hurt Tae or go against his wishes but she knew he was hiding something and that scared her.

"You really love this guy huh?"

Y/N froze as Bam asked his question, love wasn't something she should be feeling for someone she's only known for a few months but she wasn't sure how else to explain what she was feeling.

"Does it make me crazy if I say yes?" 

Bam laughed as he stepped up beside her, the two friends walking together through the mist that night always drew in.  

"Love comes to us at different stages, some people don't find love until later on in life and others find it sooner than expected."

"I just didn't expect to feel so much, so soon and so intensely."

"I guess that's something you've got to figure out for yourself, just don't ruin your chances with him by doing stupid shit like this all the time."

Bam was right and suddenly Y/N felt ridiculous for sneaking out of the house like this, especially as Tae asked her to stay home.

"I shouldn't be doing this, we should turn back."

"Took you long enough to figure that out." Bam chuckled.

"Sorry for making you do this."

"You can treat me to pancakes at the diner before we go back home."

"Okay, that's a deal." Y/N chuckled as Bam threw his arm over her shoulder.

The two began to make their journey back home when suddenly a haunting howl broke the silence, both froze and then quickly glanced at each other.

"I really hope that wasn't what I think it was." Bam whispered, his fingers grabbing a hold of Y/N's as they listened to the sounds the forest offered.

"I think we should move a little faster." Y/N didn't like the eerie feeling which settled over her, she definitely heard the howl and refused to stick around any longer.

"Yeah, I agree." Bam tugged on her hand and the two set a steady jog through the trees until a second howl ripped through the sound of their footsteps hitting the terrain beneath and combined heavy breathing as they ran.

"Okay we really need to move." Bam picked up the pace and Y/N matched it, the two wanting nothing more than to be safely at home.

"Bam something doesn't feel right, my insides are like ice." Y/N had never felt fear like it, heart hammering against her chest and throat thick with dread.  

"Just keep moving." Bam pushed himself to run faster but Y/N wasn't prepared.

"Shit." Her foot hit something solid, most likely a rock and she surged forward, palms open to break the fall as she hit the ground.

"Ah fuck." Her vision blurred, she definitely smacked her head off something as she fell as the intense burst of pain doubled with the crimson which now coated her fingertips was a pretty solid indication.

"Bam....Bam, where are you?" Her voice sounded weak, dazed and afraid and what started her heart racing again was that Bam never replied.....where was he?

Y/N slowly shifted her position, now on her knees with palms on the ground as she pushed up to stand.

"Bam?" The pounding in her ears started to subside, feet slowly moving across the grass as she reached for a nearby tree to lean herself against it.

Y/N closed her eyes, waiting for the pain to lessen and vision to return before she moved but as a third howl sounded her body stumbled forward and she ran.

It was getting closer.         


Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now