Chapter Sixty Eight ~ Confessions

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Taehyung left the moment his mate started to rouse, he really didn't want to go but made a promise to Jisoo and intended to keep it.

"I'll go and make her some food, give you both time to talk." He pulled open the door, sparing one final glance at the girl he loved.

"I appreciate it, by the time you're back with food our conversation will be over and you can have the time you need with her." Jisoo smiled, approaching the bed as Y/N opened her eyes slowly.

Taehyung gave a nod, forcing a smile as he finally closed the door.

"Hey sweetie, welcome back." Jisoo smiled as she brushed her fingertips over the clammy forehead of her friend.

"Jisoo? What happened? Why are you here? Did Tae call you?" Y/N squinted her eyes, head throbbing if she focused too much.

"Hey....slow down. I'll answer all your questions but first you need to take a sip of this." Jisoo reached across to the bedside table, Taehyung had made sure there was water there for when Y/N woke up.

"Thanks, I'm super thirsty." Y/N smiled, slowly pushing herself upright so she could take the bottle.

"You've been sleeping for a few hours now so you'll be a little dehydrated, don't drink it too fast though." Jisoo chuckled as her friend took way too many sips, coughing a little as some went down the wrong way.

"Told you to take it slow." She added with a playful smirk.

"My head kills." Y/N winced a little as she leaned back to rest against the bed.

"I can help with that." Jisoo figured this was the best way for her to reveal the truth.

"You've got meds?" Y/N asked with a raised brow as her eyes opened a little wider.

"Not exactly." Jisoo chuckled as she sat on the bed, hands gently cupping Y/N's face.

"Jisoo....what are you....."

"Hush, just watch my eyes." Jisoo wasn't afraid to reveal her secret, if Y/N still loved Taehyung after discovering he was a werewolf then surely she could accept her and the magic she possessed.

Jisoo didn't wield the ability to completely cure injury or take away pain indefinitely but she could ease it somewhat and so as her eyes turned to a striking blue and the pain Y/N felt ebbed away to something more manageable the biggest kept secret between the two was now out in the open.

"Holy fucking shit Jisoo......what are you?" Y/N's eyes were wide with shock, lips parted from sheer amazement.

"I'm a witch, have been my entire life. I'm sorry you're only finding out about this now but it's forbidden for us to reveal our identity, only reason I'm doing so now is because your life is in danger. I hope in time you can forgive me for the deception, I wanted to tell you but didn't want to get you in trouble by opening up my world to you." Jisoo wanted to say more, she wanted to tell Y/N that she was her kindred but one step at a time was best, she was already fragile.

"My boyfriend is a wolf and my best friend is a witch, this feels like a fantasy romance movie or novel that I've been thrown in the midst of." Y/N chuckled.

"I'm sorry for not telling you before."

Y/N shook her head, taking Jisoo's hands and lacing their fingers together.

"I understand that you couldn't, don't feel bad. I kept stuff from you too, I never told you about what Taehyung was or that we had our mating ceremony we're pretty much married." The two friends laughed, their lives had gone from relatively normal to crazy in the space of a few weeks.

"I found out about Bam before you did, decided that you needed to know the truth about me so we can all work together to make the rival pack pay for what they did." Jisoo squeezed Y/N's hands gently when she noticed the tears forming again, this wasn't going to be easy for either of them.

"How did you know? Why didn't you tell me?" Y/N somehow managed to compose herself even though she was still distraught over the news.

"I've got many powers, one of them is the ability to connect myself emotionally to those close to me. I felt his energy drift away, I knew something bad had happened. I did some investigating of my own, I knew you were safe here with Taehyung and I came as soon as I could to make sure you were okay."

"The last thing I remember is the basement, I was with Taehyung after finding out about Bam." Y/N couldn't remember much, everything after discovering Bam's death had blurred into something she couldn't decipher.

"You were upset, wouldn't stop crying and we didn't know what to do. I used my magic on you to knock you out for a little while. I sat with Taehyung and we spoke for a while as you slept, he promised to give us time to talk before he stole you away again. That boy is madly in love with you, he really wasn't happy about leaving you alone with me."

Y/N chuckled, she was surprised Taehyung had managed to stay away for so long.

"Yeah well.....I'm madly in love with him too."

"I figured as much, you two are mates afterall."

"I'm guessing the guys know about you now? That you know about them?" Y/N cocked a brow quizzically.

"Y/N you pretty much just told me yourself that Taehyung was a werewolf but don't worry.....I already knew a long time ago what they were. I've told them about me too, all secrets finally out in the open."

Jisoo wanted to tell her more but they had time later, she didn't want to fill her head with too much information at least until she was feeling better.

"I've got so many questions." Y/N was obviously still in shock, Jisoo would do her best to answer everything she could when the time was right.

"All in good time, for now you need to eat and regain your strength."

There was a gentle knock at the door and the two friends looked at each other with knowing smiles.

"Come in Taehyung, we're done talking for now." Jisoo chuckled, placing a kiss on Y/N's forehead as the door opened and Taehyung appeared carrying a tray full of food.

"I'll see you downstairs after you've had food and time alone with Tae."

"Okay, thanks Ji."

Y/N watched as her friend left the room, she couldn't believe that Jisoo was a witch.

There were so many questions she wanted answering but that could wait for later, she needed to focus on the rival pack and making them pay for what they did.

"I didn't know what you would be in the mood for, just picked out some of your favourites." Taehyung smiled as he approached the bed.

"How about a hug?" Everything felt better when she was in his arms. 

"I can do that my love." He set the tray down on the bedside table before sitting beside her.

"I love you so much sweetheart." Taehyung smiled as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I love you too."

"I promise I'll make them pay my love, they won't get away with this."

Damn right they won't.

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now