Chapter Thirty Eight ~ Pack Meeting

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Taehyung breached the clearing, sprinting across the drive towards their home.

I'm here, open the door.

Seconds later a very concerned looking Jin opened the door as Taehyung shifted back to his human form, thanking his hyung when a blanket was drapped across his bare shoulders.

"You got Y/N home safe?" Jin ushered him inside, locking the door securely before walking beside Taehyung to the basement.

"Yeah, she's home and safe. I know we weren't followed, I didn't sense anything on the journey there or back but once we're finished here I'm going to check up on her and makes sure she's okay."

Once the two got downstairs Jimin was immediately beside Taehyung, an apologetic look on his face. "I'm so sorry Taehyung, I know tonight was supposed to be special but we had no choice."

"It's fine Jimin, she's safe and I'm where I need to be right now."

The basement served as their headquarters, alongside the cages Namjoon kept all his books on werewolf history and they also kept medical supplies should the need call for it.

"So what do we know so far?" Taehyung moved across to one of the cages which housed some of their clothing, he spotted a pair of black skinny jeans and a faded band t-shirt which he quickly slipped on as Namjoon briefed him on what they knew so far.

"They haven't attacked yet, they show no signs of attacking either. Jungkook scouted out their camp, it's just across the river so currently their not breaking any rules. They sent out one of their own to survey the land around the house but no contact was made or challenge issued, they simply stood at the tree line and then disappeared shortly before you got back."

Taehyung look over at Yoongi, anger washing over him at the danger not only their pack faced but Y/N too.

"Hyung you promised this wouldn't happen, you said there was no possible way they would ever find us out here."

Yoongi was sitting at the large oval mahogany table, his eyes filled with turmoil as he lifted them to meet Taehyung. "I truly believed that to be the case, I'm sorry Taehyung."

"Sorry.....SORRY!" Taehyung seethed. "If anything happens to Y/N or this pack I'll never forgive you!"

"Taehyung please! This pack means everything to me, I would die before letting anything happen to you and that includes protecting Y/N too! I messed up, before meeting you guys my life was majorly fucked and I stupidly pledged my loyalty to the wrong pack but then I met you guys and you saved me. I didn't want this to happen, I truly didn't expect them to find us or to want revenge this badly."

"Of course they want revenge, what pack wouldn't want revenge on the one who betrayed them!"

"Taehyung calm down, we can't turn against each other." Namjoon interrupted the two arguing with a stern tone and gaze to match.

"So what's the plan?" Hobi queried from the seat opposite Yoongi.

"I don't want a war with them, the last thing we should be doing is provoking them. It means that we'll be on alert, someone on guard at all times. Jungkook twice a day I want you scouting their camp, if anything changes you report back to me."

"I can do that." Jungkook was leaning against one of the cages, legs crossed at the ankles as he listened. The young werewolf was one of their strongest and the best when it came to missions like this, people often took one look at him with his large doe eyes and dropped their could someone so innocent looking be a threat but that's where they were mistaken. Jungkook was fierce, determined and deadly once he shifted and not many people have managed to beat him in a fair fight.

"I want someone constantly on guard around the house, we'll take shifts. I want you to go first Hobi, you're the best when it comes to heightened senses."

"Sure thing." Hobi gave a nod.

"I don't want our life here to change, we only just got here and I'll be damned if I allow these idiots to scare us off. I want all of you to keep your guard up, we have a duty to protect the innocents of the town and that includes Y/N. I don't need to remind you that if anything were to happen to would break Taehyung and in turn break us as a pack."

Taehyung felt his heart constrict, the thought of losing Y/N was not something he ever wanted to entertain.

"Taehyung, Jungkook and I can keep an eye on her at college." Jimin offered to which Namjoon nodded.

"I was hoping that would be the case Jimin, then during the evenings Taehyung can be with her."

"I won't leave her side, I feel sick thinking something bad could happen to her." Taehyung's features twisted in agony, just the mere idea of her getting hurt was breaking him apart.

"Taehyung that won't happen, we'll protect her." Jin placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"I know hyung." Taehyung was well aware his pack would do anything to protect his mate but that didn't stop him from worrying.

"That's all I've got to say for now, Jungkook take one final look at their camp for me before we head to bed. Hobi you're on first watch, Jin can take the second. Taehyung check in with Y/N before you sleep, make sure she's okay."

Namjoon ended the meeting, sending each brother to do different tasks. Jungkook shifted and made his way out to the camp, Hobi took his turn guarding the property as the others locked down the house and headed for their rooms.

"Taehyung she'll be okay, the pack will be there for her." Jimin tried his best to reassure him as they headed to bed but nothing could stop Taehyung from freaking out, the only person who could right now was Y/N.

"Come on sweetheart answer your phone." Taehyung's brow furrowed as his call went unanswered for the third time, there's no way she would be sleeping now.

What was she doing?

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now