Chapter Forty ~ Aftermath

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Fear was keeping her going when all she wanted to do was hide and wait for the morning, whatever was chasing her was fast and she knew it wouldn't be long until the creature would attack.

Taehyung had told her to stay home and now because of her stupid desire to know his secrets she was getting chased through the forest, why didn't she listen to him.

The cut on her forehead was still bleeding, she knew this from the taste of iron on her tongue whenever she ran it across her dry lips.

Y/N had no clue where she was, the path was long gone and now she was jumping, tripping and tumbling over roots of trees and rocks.

Bam had left her.....he actually left her.

The sinking feeling in her chest was replaced with nausea as the animal moved closer, she felt it at her heels as she pushed herself to run faster. That's when she felt it, the intense pain flooded through her leg as the creature sunk its teeth through her delicate flesh, she fell and hit the ground hard.

It's strange, when you think about a life or death situation you always imagine the way you would face it but when it actually happens everything plays out differently.

Y/N didn't want to die, she still had so much left she wanted to do with her life.

"Fuck...." The pain was intense as she got back to her feet yet nothing could prepare her for what she was about to face as she turned around.

From the shadows a wolf appears, yet Y/N can immediately tell he's no ordinary predator. He moves to block her escape, staring with hungry eyes. The only sound she can make out is his breathing, his flaring nostrils as he takes in her scent. He curls up his gums to reveal yellow stained teeth and then lets out a low rumbling growl. Y/N already knows her fate, in seconds her throat will be ripped out, her flesh consumed, blood staining the ground.

Yet he doesn't attack, instead he backs away and disappears through the trees.

It's then Y/N turns to see a second wolf, much larger than the first.

Werewolf - there's nothing else it can be. Real wolves don't move like that, don't grow that damn big.

That's not possible though, those kind of creatures don't exist.

Yet he stares at her with almost human eyes, she finds herself wanting to reach out and touch him.

"Did you save me?" Her voice low, almost a whisper. The creature seems to understand her words, tilting his head before suddenly he darts after the first.

That's when the exhaustion hits, her body finally succumbing as she blacks out.

Taehyung walked through the door shortly after chasing one of the rival pack away, he so badly wanted to destroy the creature....tear it limb from fucking limb for causing harm to his mate but Namjoon had given the instruction to chase it away as Jungkook saved Y/N.

"Where is she?" He grabbed the clothes Jimin held out, pulling on the black slacks as Namjoon pointed down to the basement.

"Jungkook found her, she's taken a nasty bite to her calf and we think she fell at some point as she's got a pretty deep cut along her forehead but she'll be fine. Jin and Jungkook are downstairs with her, we gave her a pretty heavy sedative so she won't be awake for a while."

Taehyung knew something was wrong the minute she ignored his calls, he was halfway to her house when he picked up her scent. To say he was furious was an understatment, what the hell was she doing away from the house when he asked her to stay put.

"I'm going down there." Taehyung didn't wait for anyone to reply, he rushed down to the basement and felt his heart break at her fragile form laying across the table.

"Taehyung she's okay, I've stopped the bleeding and stitched her up." Jin reassured his younger brother with a sympathetic smile.

Taehyung's jaw tightened as he moved closer, her clothes were covered in dirt and one eye was swollen.

"Thanks hyung, I can do the rest." Jin seemed reluctant at first to leave but when Jungkook stepped forward and gave a nod the older werewolf stepped away so Taehyung could pass.

"Why did you do this, I told you to stay home." Taehyung whispered against her ear before placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm taking her upstairs." He informed his two brothers who stood by the far wall before gently taking Y/N in his arms and moving upstairs.

"Tae want do you need?" Jimin called out as he walked down the hallway to his bedroom.

"Fresh water and towels." He replied before kicking the door shut with his foot, he needed privacy for the next task.

There was nothing sexual as he slowly removed her clothing, just a man taking care of the woman he loves. Taehyung tossed her ruined clothes on the chair near his bed, Jimin knocked a minute after with a bowl of fresh water and towels.

"Do you need help?" His tone was gentle, eyes full of concern as Taehyung shook his head.

"I'm okay Jimin, I need to do this alone."

"Okay, I'm sorry this happened Taehyung. Jungkook is scouting out their camp and he reported that all of them are there, we're safe for now so take all the time you need." 

"Okay, thanks." Taehyung closed the door and moved across the room, placing the bowl down on his bedside table he then began the emotionally painful task of cleaning Y/N's dirt and blood covered body.

It was clear to Taehyung that he couldn't wait any longer to claim Y/N, once she was awake he would tell her everything and if she didn't run away he would finally claim and mark her and then after he would give her a big telling off for breaking her promise to him.

Once her body was clean, Taehyung dressed her in one of his shirts and moved the blanket up to keep her warm.

"You can never scare me like that again, I can't ever live in a world where you don't exist. I asked you once if I could keep you.....I intend now to never let go." His fingers moved gently along her jaw, lips pressing once more to her forehead as he crawled under the covers and lay beside her.

Tonight was going to be a long night.         

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now