Chapter Thirty Three ~ You Did What?

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Jimin blinked, his plump lips parting as he opened and closed his mouth multiple times.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" He whisper yelled as the two sat waiting at the college gates for Hobi to pick them up.

"I couldn't stop myself, she's so irresistible." 

"Tae....seriously you shouldn't be doing stuff like that at college. I'm just glad you didn't go all the way because Y/N shouldn't have her first time with you like that, what if someone had seen you?!"

Tae knew Jimin was right, it was completely reckless of him to do what he did and there was also a part of him that felt guilty.

Their first time intimate together in such a way should be special.

"Fuck.....she deserved so much better." Tae's jaw tightened as the anger in himself and his behaviour bubbled to the surface, he knew Y/N wanted him and that each of them were equally to blame for what happened but he shouldn't have let it go that far.

Yes they had both had sex before with various different partners but he still wanted their first time together to go differently.

"I wanted our first time together to be special and now I've tainted's just so difficult, whenever I'm around her my wolf fights for dominance and I'm losing the battle."

Taehyung recalled what happened earlier


"Baby are you okay? I feel bad, I shouldn't have done that here. I wanted it to be special for you, not here."

Y/N chuckled and raised up on her tiptoes to kiss his forehead, Tae smiled at how adorable she was.  

"Tae I started this, I was the one who sent you the message. I feel it too you scares the hell out of me because I feel like everything is moving so fast between us, I mean....we've only known each other for a few months and I already feel so deeply for you. I can't even explain it, weird huh?" She chuckles as he smirks and shakes his head.

"No my love it's not weird, I feel it too." Tae wished he could tell her why she felt this way, that the reason their connection was so strong is because she was his mate....that they were destined to be together but he couldn't....not yet.

"You said you loved me." Y/N nibbled her bottom lip nervously, Tae ran his thumb across it once she released it from her teeth.

"You said you loved me too." He winked as she chuckled.

"I guess so.....Tae are we moving too fast with this?" Y/N looked so troubled and that killed Tae, he had the answers to her questions but he wasn't ready to tell her what he was yet.

"My love don't think so much about this, just let happen naturally and we'll figure it out together okay?"

"Okay." She nodded.

"I'll pick you up from your house at six, I'll miss you." Tae pulled her close, lips claiming her own.

"Tae it's only a few hours and we'll see each other again." She laughed as he playfully bit her neck.

"Doesn't matter, I always miss you."

"Such a romantic."

"Only for you."


Taehyung smiled, he already missed her and they only said goodbye mere minutes ago after the final lecture.

"Hyung stop worrying so much, all you did was indulge in a little foreplay. I suggest you focus on your date later, make that perfect for her and figure out how you're going to tell her everything." Taehyung narrowed his eyes as Jungkook appeared behind them, the young werewolf was chewing gum as he scrolled through his phone.

"Why do you keep doing that?" Taehyung questioned with a cocked brow.

"Do what?" The younger pack member didn't even lift his head as he seemed to reply to a message.

"Appear at the exact moment something important is happening, I didn't even know you were sitting there."

"I don't know." Jungkook shrugged "I'm just naturally good at everything." 

Jimin chuckled as Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Cocky much?" Jimin chuckled.

"Not cocky just confident in my abilities." Jungkook retorted as Hobi pulled up outside the gates.

"Come on you three, I don't have all day." Hobi smirked as he rolled down the window.

"Come on Tae, we've got to find a decent outfit for you to wear." Jimin smiled as he pulled Taehyung along with him to the car.

"Plus we still need to discuss what you're going to say, once you tell her about us we all need to be prepared for how she may react." Jungkook added as he followed behind.

Taehyung didn't reply, he clenches his fists tightly until his nails dig into the palm of his hand, but he barely notices. The only thing he is really aware of, is the sound of his heart throbbing against the cage of his chest. It's not until he tastes iron, that he's aware he's been biting his lip so badly it's bleeding.

"Tae we can all sense your nerves, what's wrong?" Hobi asked from the front as they travelled home.

"Everything.....what if she doesn't accept me? I've done terrible things, there's not many people who would trust me after everything I've done. If by some miracle she does accept me then she'll need to know about the marking, claiming and the ceremony." Taehyung wasn't sure he was ready to tell her, was he doing the right thing and would she still want him.

"I've got faith Tae, she cares for you and feels the connection. It's just going to take time for her to accept this new world she'll be introduced to as she's human and the world she's been a part of for so long is about to change drastically, but we'll be there for you no matter what happens."  Hobi reassured the younger werewolf, smiling as the two locked eyes in the rear view mirror.

Taehyung nodded, he knew Hobi was right but that still didn't stop him from worrying.

Tonight everything was going to change.         

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now