Chapter Nine ~ Journal

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Taehyung's POV ~

Luckily the last lesson wasn't an issue for me as Y/N wasn't there.

I was concerned however, wondering where she was. It wasn't because of me right? I started to worry that maybe my rude behaviour had upset her, she didn't deserve that.    

"Apparently she doesn't take this class, it's the only one we don't have with her." Jimin whispered from beside me.

I furrowed my brow.

"I wasn't thinking about her."

"Tae don't lie to me, I can tell when you're upset." Jimin kept his focus on the board as our lecturer wrote down some equations.

"Why doesn't she take this class?" I whispered and immediately spotted the way Jimin's lips pulled up at the corners.

"Apparently she takes a photography class instead." He then turned to me with a playful glimmer in his eyes. "I thought you said you weren't thinking about her."

I narrowed my eyes and turned away to focus on my work. "I wasn't." I mumbled and waited for Jimin to turn his attention back to the board before allowing a smile to tug at my lips.....she likes photography.

Later that day.

"Ah! It's here!" Jungkook smiled as he pulled the large book out from a drawer beside Namjoon's bed.

"Are you sure Namjoon doesn't mind us reading this?" I questioned as he sat beside me

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"Are you sure Namjoon doesn't mind us reading this?" I questioned as he sat beside me.

"I always read it and he's never stopped me before so I don't see why he would stop us now."

"Okay, if you say so." I got comfortable on the bed as Jungkook opened the first page.

"I made us drinks." Jimin pushed open the door to Namjoon's room holding three cups of steaming hot tea.

"Thanks hyung." Jungkook smiled and helped himself to one.

"Thanks Chim." I took the second as he sat down with the third.

"Okay so what does it say?" Jimin asked as he looked at the journal resting across Jungkook's lap.

Jungkook took a sip of his tea before turning the next page.

"Nope, this isn't the right one....definitely not what we're looking for. I know it's here it!" He put his tea down as a triumphant grin pulled at his lips.


I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"It's part of our DNA, something inside our kind which makes relationships for us different from that of a conventional human one." Jungkook started to read, taking his time going over the words as he stopped occasionally to pick up his tea and take a sip.

I would look occasionally at Namjoon's elegant handwriting across the page and then divert my attention to Jungkook when he would pause to take a break, I was impatient and wanted to know everything immediately and Jungkook sensed this as he sent an apologetic smile my way before continuing. 

"It's different for humans...they find an attraction to one of their own kind either of the opposite or same sex and feelings develop over time until a deeper bond of love is formed. It's entirely possible and perfectly acceptable for humans to have numerous loves but for our kind there's only one love. It's what we call our mate....a wolf always knows when he discovers his mate because the signs are pretty hard to ignore.

1. Scent......" Jungkook stopped reading as he read the first sign, both him and Jimin looking at me before he continued.

"....the scent of a mate is enough to drive a werewolf crazy, it's unlike anything they've experienced before. It brings many different feelings and emotions to the surface...."

"What feelings?" I interrupted.

"I'm getting to that...." Jungkook cocked a brow, I could tell he was getting annoyed with me.

"I'm sorry, I'm listening." I sent him a small smile which he returned before continuing.

"The werewolf in question feels the need to protect and love whoever possesses the scent, this need only becomes stronger the longer the two spend together."  Jungkook's eyes widen as he reads the next part.

"Once this need grows too strong the werewolf must claim and then mark their mate, if they don't do this or if they take too long not only will it become dangerous for the werewolf but their mate also."

"Why...why does it become dangerous?" Jimin asked the very question I wanted to know the answer to myself.

"It becomes painful for the werewolf, they start to shift at inconvenient times and find it more difficult to control themselves." Jungkook answered as he turned the page.

"To claim a mate a werewolf must..." he stopped as a smirk tugged at his lips.

"....become intimate with them, spreading their scent and marking their territory. Then a mate must be marked, this can only be done by a werewolf biting their mate and officially claiming them as their own."

"Does it say anything about having a human mate?" I was surprised at how fast my heart was racing, everything Jungkook was explaining seemed to fit with how I was feeling.

"It's very rare to have a human mate but entirely possible. It's also dangerous....." Jungkook paused for a second as he looked at me.

"It's okay Jungkook, I want to know....I need to know."

"Okay...." He took a deep breath before continuing.

"The bond between a werewolf and their human mate is one of the strongest. The love a werewolf feels for his mate stays with him/her for as long as they live and only gets stronger each day.  If a human mate ever passes away then the werewolf......" Jungkook swallows hard, eyes narrowing.

"What? Jungkook what is it?" Jimin asks, concern laced with every word.

"It's different for a werewolf who mates with another werewolf....once their mate dies it's entirely possible for them to continue on and lead a long life. It'll be painful, the grief of losing a mate can never be fully recovered from and they will never feel a love like it again but they can lead a full life. If a werewolf mates with a human.....once the human dies then so does the werewolf. The pain....the grief from losing their mate so intense that they can't imagine living out the rest of the life without them, their body shutting down."

Jungkook finished reading and the room fell silent.

Well....I wasn't expecting that.

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now