Chapter Twenty Three ~ The Walk

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Taehyung decided to wait for Y/N downstairs, he quickly cleaned his room and straightend the bed before knocking on the bathroom door to let her know he would be in the kitchen when she was ready.

"Okay, I won't be long, just sorting out my hair which you messed up." Taehyung chuckled at this and desperately wanted to kiss her again but told himself to behave, they had plenty of time for that later.

"You messed up my hair too sweetheart, don't be too long." He chuckled before making his way downstairs.

Jungkook was sitting at the kitchen counter with a bowl of chocolate loops when he paused to smirk at Taehyung.

"Had fun did we?" He waggled his brows.

"We just kissed, I stopped before going further because the last thing I want is for my wolf to fully take over and hurt her."

"I think we all got a pretty good idea of what the two of you were doing, we could smell her arousal from all corners of the house and even though you tried to shut down the pack link for privacy there was a few momentary slips where I could practically hear your wolf wagging his tail and yelling at you to claim her." Jungkook snorted out a laugh as Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Exactly why I couldn't let it go any further plus I don't want to rush things with her, I want to do this right."

Jungkook smirked, it was rare to see Taehyung this serious about something and for once his hyung seemed happy.

"Don't mess this up, she's good for you." The younger werewolf advised as he washed out his now empty bowl and placed it on the draining board.

"Jungkook use the towel, that's what it's there for." Jin shook his head as he appeared from the patio, empty beer bottles in one hand and plates in the other.

"We just had dinner Tae, saved you and Y/N some, it's in the fridge if you want it later." Jin didn't tease him like Jungkook but he didn't miss the way he smirked or how four other smirking faces peered through the patio door and sent winks his way.

"Lips looking a bit red Tae." Jimin

"Leave him alone, at least he's found his mate." Hobi

"Might want to sort your hair out."  Namjoon

"I hate you guys." Taehyung groaned.

"I'm ready." Y/N appeared looking less wild with her lips still slightly swollen, Taehyung briefly lost his concentration because if possible she was even more beautiful.

"Okay, we should probably head out." Tae took her hand, fingers lacing together as they headed back out through the door.

"Bye guys." Y/N gave a little wave to which all six responded with a very enthusiastic...."BYE Y/N, SEE YOU SOON."

Taehyung rolled his eyes and smirked, gently pulling her out the house and down the porch steps.

"They're really sweet, I like them."

"Yeah, I think they like you too." Taehyung smiled, gently squeezing her hand as they headed down the path and through the woods.

"You do this often then?" He asked after the two had walked in comfortable silence for ten minutes or so.     

"Yeah, it helps me to relax and it's also a perfect place for me to take photographs.....look at that!" Y/N spotted something which instantly got her excited, she let go of his hand and moved away which left Taehyung with an empty feeling that only she could remedy.

"Taehyung look, isn't it beautiful?"  Y/N pointed at a stunning array of flowers, two butterflies were resting on the petals and he smiled as she knelt down and started taking photographs. 

It sure is beautiful.

He thought to himself as he watched her.... everything about this woman was becoming an addiction to him and he never wanted it to stop, always craving his next fix. 

The flash of a camera got his attention, he was so enraptured by her beauty that he never noticed the camera was now pointed towards him.

"Act natural Tae." Y/N smiled, stepping back a little so she could take a few more shots.


The two spent three hours walking and getting to know each other, often they would stop to take photographs or take sips of their water that Tae had packed for thm and a couple of times they sat down to appreciate the nature around them.

Taehyung now knew all about her favourite foods, drinks, music and movies. Y/N also told him all about her family and what life was like for her before he arrived, the stories she told about her family and friends made him laugh....he simply couldn't get enough of her and wanted to know more.

Taehyung shared similar things but again avoided talking about his family as that was still a sore subject for him and Y/N as expected didn't question his reluctance to speak about what happened and he appreciated that. 

"We should head back, I'm super hungry." Y/N chuckled as Taehyung packed away the water bottles and got to his feet, the two had just taken a quick break and it seemed time really does fly when you're having fun.

"Yeah, same....there's food back at my place." Taehyung offered his hand.

"It's late, sure you're okay with me coming back with you?" Y/N took his hand, thanking him when he pulled her up gently.

"It's fine, I don't usually sleep until late so we can eat before you go home....if that's what you want?" Taehyung felt his heart beat rapidly, she was beautiful under the moonlight.

The moon was a brilliant silver sailing on a cloudless sea, streams of moonlight sank into the tree canopy; filtering through the leaves. Taehyung didn't even notice Y/N was talking to him until she gently squeezed his hand.

"You okay Tae? You've gone really quiet." 

"You're so beautiful....I can't get enough of you." He rushed out before claiming her mouth yet again.

Taehyung broke the kiss, the look he gave was one full of intensity and before he could even stop himself he said something that made her smile so wide her cheeks ached

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Taehyung broke the kiss, the look he gave was one full of intensity and before he could even stop himself he said something that made her smile so wide her cheeks ached.

"Can I keep you?"

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now