Chapter Eight ~ Mate

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Taehyung's POV ~

I spent the rest of my day doing everything possible to avoid Y/N which wasn't easy as we shared all our lectures together.

"I'm just saying it's entirely possible she could be your mate." I rolled my eyes as Jimin rushed to keep up with my long strides, there was a reason I was walking so fast and that was to get away from him and his ridiculous notion that Y/N could be my mate.

"Tae just hear me out." 

"I don't want to! I don't even want to think about it! I just started my senior year, I'm too young to have a mate already! It doesn't normally happen at such an early age, especially with a human!" Jimin's eyes seemed to soften at my exasperated state.

"I'm sorry Tae, I'm not trying to stress you out. I'm just trying to come up with logical explanations for what's happening to you, I'm worried....we all are." 

"I know." I sighed as we approached our lockers. "I know it's possible that she is but....I'm just not ready for that yet. It's dangerous to mate with a human, the marking could weaken her immensely and the claiming...." I swallowed the lump in my throat. "The claiming would get rough for her....too rough for her fragile human body." I laughed as Jimin waggled his brows.

"Already thinking about getting rough with her." He teased.

"I can't deny she's beautiful....really beautiful. I've never been so attracted to someone and it's not normal....I shouldn't feel this powerless right?"

"I think we should check the journal once we're home." Jimin suggested as he opened his locker to retrieve his books for the next lecture.

The journal belonged to Namjoon and was basically a guide to our kind, it talked about our history and what it means to be a werewolf.    

"Yeah, guess that wouldn't hurt." I gave a nod and was about to start talking again when someone walking by our lockers dropped the pile of books they were carrying.

"Let me help." I quickly crouched down to pick up some of the books when that same scent hit me, it was her. I quickly lifted my head and felt my heart drop when she smiled

"Thanks, I'm always dropping things." She chuckled and it was like heaven to my ears.

Jimin's POV ~

"It's like a romantic scene from one of those Wattpad stories isn't it?" I chuckled as Jungkook appeared and whispered in my ear.

"You read those?" I cocked a brow, tone one of amusement.

"Yeah, they can actually be really sweet. I like the ones with lots of fluff, making pancakes and going our for ice cream." He shrugged as if that was the most obvious thing in the world and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I never expected to hear something like that from you."

"I'm full of surprises." He winked as he leaned back against his locker. "Hyung maybe we should do something, he's still staring at her and even I'm getting creeped out." 

I turned my attention back to the scene unfolding before us, Tae was still crouching down staring at the poor human with such intensity that her face was now the most shocking shade of crimson.

"Taehyung....TAE!" I raised my voice but it didn't seem to have the desired effect.

Taehyung's POV ~

I allowed my eyes to move across her delicate beautiful.

I seemed to forget that we weren't alone in the corridor, completely oblivious to people trying to step around us as we blocked their path. I just was so overwhelmed by everything....her scent, her smile, her adorable little nose which wrinkled when she was nervous, the blush spreading across her cheeks, her pink lips slightly parted. I wanted to sink my teeth through that soft skin and show everyone that this gorgeous woman was mine.

"Tae!" I felt Jimin's hand come down hard on my shoulder, I shook my head and came back to my senses.

"Here, don't be so clumsy next time." I shoved the books into her chest and practically sprinted down the corridor.

Jimin's POV ~

"I'm sorry Y/N, he's just having a bad day." I smiled sweetly at her as she stood up and clutched onto her books tightly, I could see she was highly offended by Tae's behaviour.

"I don't understand why he doesn't like me."

"It's not that he doesn't like you."  I sighed, trying to come up with a good excuse for his behaviour.

"I guess you could say he received some shocking news lately and hasn't truly recovered from it."

Y/N seemed to accept this excuse and smiled.

"Well....I hope he's okay. It's nice to meet you by the way, we're in the same lectures together."

"It's nice to meet you too. I'm Jimin and this....."

"....Jungkook. Hey baby." He winked, pushing me gently out of the way so he could take her hand and kiss the back of it.   

I rolled my eyes and pushed him back as Y/N blushed like crazy.

"Ignore Jungkook, he's a little too friendly at times." I narrowed my eyes at Jungkook who simply chuckled and leaned back against the lockers.

"It's okay, don't worry about it. I better get going, I've got to take these back to the library."  Y/N smiled....cute.

"I'll let you go then, sorry again about Taehyung and see you later Y/N." I smiled as she headed back down the corridor.

Taehyung's POV ~

I was sitting outside by the gates, I couldn't stand to be so close to her. I was going crazy, I couldn't control myself. I needed to know why this was happening, I wanted it to stop.

"Tae?" I lifted my head to meet Jimin's concerned gaze, he sat beside me on the wall and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You okay?"

"No Jimin....I'm not okay. I need to know what the hell is going on, I'm going crazy here. I almost....." I swallowed hard.

"You almost what?" His eyes narrowed.

"I wanted her sexually." I whispered the last part.

"I....well....that's not what I expected you to say."

"It's pretty normal for you to feel that way." Jungkook arrived sucking a lollipop.

"Where the hell were you? I thought you were right behind me?" Jimin questioned our younger brother who simply shrugged as he leaned against the gate.

"I went to buy myself this." He motioned to the lollipop.

" I was saying. It's normal to feel that way, especially around a full moon which happens to be today. All your senses are heightened and naturally that includes your sex drive, so whatever attraction you normally feel for your mate will be doubled...tripled even." Jungkook winked as he bit down on the sugary treat, a loud crunch breaking the silence between us.

"How do you even know this?" Jimin asked.

"I've read about it....haven't you guys ever been intrigued to know more about our kind? I've read Namjoon's journal countless times, obviously you two haven't."

I leaned back, head resting against the gate as a deep sigh escaped my parted lips.

"I just need to get through one last lecture....try to resist the urge to dry hump the hell out of her leg." I can't help but smile as Jimin and Jungkook laugh.

"I definitely won't allow that to happen, just try to keep it together and later once we're home we can read the journal." Jimin squeezed my shoulder reassuringly.

"Okay." I gave a nod.

Just one more lecture.

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now