Chapter Sixty Seven ~ Grief 3/4

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Jisoo watched as Taehyung placed a gentle kiss on the forehead of her kindred, she knew he wasn't happy with the interruption but if this rival pack was going to be defeated then all of them needed to work together.

"Do you think she's got enough blankets? I should ask Jimin to fetch more, I'll start a fire too." Jisoo hadn't even had chance to answer his first question when he fired more her way, she looked over at the darkened fireplace and with a flick of her wrist flames appeared.

"I could've started a fire without magic, she's my mate and I'm perfectly capable of taking care of her." Taehyung grumbled as he looked between Jisoo and the fireplace.

"Taehyung this isn't a competition, she's your mate and my kindred and that won't change so what's the point in arguing over this. I know you can take care of her, I'm fully aware of the connection you both share and that's she's mated with you. I'm not here to take her away, my connection with her is different. My kind, we have what we call a kindred and sometimes that connection can be romantic but sometimes it can be purely platonic. Y/N is my best friend, she's like a sister to me and all my life I've dedicated myself to making sure she's happy and safe. I simply came here today to offer my assistance."

Taehyung wasn't stupid, he knew the connection Jisoo shared with Y/N wasn't romantic but he couldn't help the mate bond and how it made him feel knowing someone else shared such a strong connection to his girl.

"I'm sorry, you're a sweet girl Jisoo and I know you mean well and that you would never do anything to harm Y/N but it's not easy for me. I can't just switch off the mate bond between us, it's incredibly powerful and not easy to control. It's my job to take care of her and make sure she's happy, to share that responsibility with you makes me feel like I'm already failing her."

"You're not failing her Taehyung, don't think of sharing responsibility as something to be ashamed of. I know your worries and concerns, it's impossible for you to constantly be by her side even though you want to be. I can be there when you can't, together we can make sure she's protected especially since the rival pack decided to kill our friend."

Taehyung flinched at the mention of Bam, he would give anything to go back and save him.

"I'm sorry Jisoo, this is our fault. The rival pack are only here because of something a member of our pack did and now your friend is gone."

"Taehyung you don't need to say sorry, you didn't know this would happen and certainly would've stopped it if you could." Jisoo watched as he took Y/N's hand, thumb gently running across her knuckles.

"I feel like I'm interrupting a moment here." She breathed out, a nervous chuckle following as Taehyung smiled.

"I'm always having a moment with her, you'll get used to it." He kissed the back of Y/N's hand, lips lingering for a second against the soft skin. "I've never been so scared, she was hurting so much and there was nothing I could do to stop it."

"I know, you're not the only one who was freaking out."

"Yeah but at least you could help her." Taehyung looked over at Jisoo, eyes swollen and red.

"Yeah....using magic Tae. I couldn't stop her without help, nobody could at that stage. Bam was like a brother to both of us, he was there through so much and this won't be easy for her."

"It seems easy for you." Taehyung felt guilty for assuming she hadn't grieved, people do so in different ways and maybe Jisoo was just the type to not show just how much she's hurting.

Jisoo didn't take offence to his words, he was the type to speak his mind and shouldn't be faulted for that.

"I've already done my grieving, now it's time for Y/N to go through the motions and all of us will be there to help her through it."

Taehyung gave a nod, the two of them falling silent for a while as they collected their thoughts.

Jisoo looked over at the fire, watching as the flames curl and sway, flicking this way and that, crackling as they burn the dry wood.

"I need to ask you something, you won't like it but just hear me out." She finally broke the silence, turning her attention back to Tae who was now sitting beside Y/N on the bed.

"Okay....I'm listening." Taehyung cocked a brow, fingers running gently through Y/N's hair as his eyes remained fixed on Jisoo.

"I need to be alone with Y/N when she wakes up."

"You're right, I don't like it and that's not happening."

"Taehyung please just hear me out, she knows about you and what you are. I see no choice now but to tell her about my true identity, she's been in the dark about me for years because I thought it was the best way to keep her protected but now after what happened to Bam she needs to know the truth."

Taehyung's stern expression softened as he thought over Jisoo's request, she had known Y/N longer plus both of them had lost a friend and would need the other to get through the next few days.

"I just hate leaving her side when she's so upset." He looked down, smiling as she scrunched her nose up and let out a little snore.

"I won't keep you away from her for long Taehyung, just let me tell her the truth about everything."

Taehyung gave a nod, he could give Jisoo that. It was the right thing to do, she needed this time with her kindred and he shouldn't stand in the way.

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now