Chapter Seventy One ~ Full Disclosure

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Jisoo was surprised to see Jungkook appear in the bedroom doorway, he was holding a tray with a mug of what looked like tea and a bowl containing some kind of stew.

"Is the room okay, it's the only spare one we have." Jungkook asked as he stepped through the door and placed the tray down on the bedside table.

"The room is great, I appreciate you guys letting me stay." Jisoo was sitting by the window, the latest romance novel she was reading lay open across her lap.

"It's perfectly fine, Y/N needs you close and with everything that's happening it's not safe for you to be alone." Jungkook coughed, awkwardly shifting from one foot to the other.

"I made you some haejangguk, you haven't had anything to eat since getting here."

Jisoo couldn't help but smile, he looked so adorable standing there with wide eyes and flushed cheeks.

"That's really sweet of you Jungkook, it smells delicious." Jisoo set her book down, carefully folding the corner of the page so she wouldn't lose her place.

"It's a little hot though, might want to give it a moment or two to cool down."

Jisoo gave a nod, approaching the bed.

"Thanks, did you eat?"

Jungkook nodded, watching as she got comfortable and moved the tray over her lap.

"I think it's amazing what you can do, never seen an elemental witch before. I watched you outside, you summoned the rain to recharge right? I don't know much about witches and warlocks but Jimin hyung told me that's what you were doing."

Jisoo lifted the mug of tea to her lips, blowing across the surface to cool it down.

"Yeah, it's not how all witches and warlocks do it. Only those who possess elemental magic, it helps us to recover our strength. This tea is lovely by the way, camomile is my favourite."

"I know, you order it all the time at the school cafeteria." Jungkook blushed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You remember stuff like that?" Jisoo chuckles.

"Only when it involves you." He whispers but she still hears it, her heart races.

"What do you mean by that Jungkook?" It can't be possible that he broke her spell, she did everything right.

"Nothing, just ignore me. I actually came to see if you're okay, so much has happened and you lost someone who was like family to you."

Jisoo swallowed the lump in her throat, she couldn't get emotional now.

"I'm okay, just worried about Y/N." It was true, as her kindred all Jisoo worried about was Y/N and making sure she was safe.

It had always been this way, it's the role of a kindred.

"I'm a kindred Jungkook, it doesn't do well for me to dwell on my own issues. I live to make sure my kindred is safe and happy, it's the only thing that makes us complete. If Y/N is happy then my heart is full, she's my first priority."

Jungkook didn't seem pleased by her response, with a furrowed brow he crossed the room and grabbed the tray from her lap.

"Jungkook what are you doing?!" He didn't reply, instead he set the tray down on the floor before turning around to cup her face between his large hands.

"I love Y/N too, I hate that she's hurting and will do everything in my power to make the rival pack pay for this but my first priority is you and so I'm asking'm begging you to let it out. I know you're my mate Jisoo."

Jisoo opened her mouth to reply, eyes filling with tears but Jungkook shook his head and rested a finger over her lips.

"No, it's my turn to talk and you're going to listen. I know why you did it, I know you're not ready to break your bond with Y/N and I'm not angry with you. I understand why you need time, I'll wait however long you need me to. I don't know how my wolf broke the spell but he did, you've seen the way Tae is with Y/N.....the mate bond isn't something a spell can contain or control. I will wait but what I can't do is watch you suffer, you don't have to be strong for me Jisoo. I know you're not used to this but you can lean on me, you're my entire fucking world so please.....let me comfort you."

That was all it took for her to break down.

"I'm here." He whispered over and over, arms wrapping around her as he placed chaste kisses to the crown of her head.

Jungkook wanted desperately to claim her but for now that could wait, this was enough.

"Just hold her Jungkook."

His wolf whimpered and for the first time in weeks that was something they both could agree on.

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now