Chapter Sixty Four ~ The Storm

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I refused to bring Y/N downstairs until Namjoon had discussed everything with the rest of us first, I wanted to know exactly what the plan was before getting her involved.

"Seriously Taehyung, you decide to have sex when we're dealing with the rival pack." Jimin grumbled as we headed downstairs.

"You're just moody because we used your last coconut madness."  I teased, lips twitching up at the corners as Jimin glared at me.

"It's not exactly something he can control."  Jungkook suddenly appeared behind us, this kid seriously had the weirdest timing.

"What are you talking about?" Jimin questioned.

"It's part of the mating process, once a wolf marks and then claims his mate the desire for her doubles due to the need for creating offspring."

I froze.

"Excuse me what?" I spun around to face my younger brother as did Jimin.

"I can't believe the two of you know so little of our kind, it's embarrassing." 

"Jungkook focus on the part where you mentioned kids!" I whispered, grabbing his arm and pulling him closer.

I wasn't completely ignorant, I was well aware that eventually my desire to have children with Y/N would take a hold of me as it was only natural for our kind to have the urge and desire to further add to our pack but I certainly wasn't thinking about it was too dangerous.

"It's part of the process, most female mates get pregnant immediately after the claiming." Jungkook shrugged his shoulders, like this was the most obvious thing in the world.

"She's on the pill." I informed them, desperately trying to reassure myself. "If she's on the pill then she can't get pregnant right?"

Jungkook pinched the bridge of his nose, complete exasperation evident in the way he furrowed his brow.

"The two of you really need to start researching our kind more, you know so little and it's important's something you need to know."

"Okay Jungkook we're sorry, both of us promise to try harder but please answer the question." I was pleading at this point, fear consuming me.

"It doesn't matter if she's on the pill or not, your sperm is more potent after the claiming so chances of getting pregant increases."

"Are you saying Y/N could be pregnant?" Jimin gasped.

"It's a possibility but we won't know for definite until she starts to experience the symptoms."

I wasn't prepared for this information, now wasn't the time for this. I loved Y/N, when the time was right of course having children with her was the next logical step but not now....not with the rival pack.

"You three, basement now!" Namjoon appeared at the bottom of the stairs, furious eyes sweeping across the three of us as we stood at the top.

"Sorry hyung, we got sidetracked." Jungkook flashed an apologetic smile.

"I asked the three of you to join the rest of us! This is about the safety of not just the townspeople but our pack and I find you here having a nice little chat. MOVE NOW!"

Namjoon hardly ever shouted, he wasn't the type to embrace anger so whatever he found in the clearing had obviously disturbed him.           

My mind was still reeling from the information Jungkook had just provided me with but right now those thoughts needed to be pushed aside, we each lowered our heads in apology before following our alpha down to the basement where the other three were already waiting. 

"Where's Y/N? I asked you to bring her Taehyung and she's not here, why?" Namjoon placed his palms down on the table as each of us took our seats around it.

"I wanted to get the information myself first, I don't want her to be involved unless she has to be. I don't want her to be placed in danger, the less she knows at this point the better."

"I don't agree." Jin leaned across the table, eyes sympathetic. "I know you're just trying to protect her Taehyung but she needs to know the truth, if you keep this from her then she'll only be upset with the deception."

I knew hyung was right but that didn't make this decision any easier, today was supposed to be a happy day for her and now she was about to get a glimpse of just how ugly our world could be.

"Just tell us about the body, was it someone we know? I need to know this before bringing her down here, gives me a chance to at least prepare her."

Five pairs of inquisitive eyes watched as Yoongi retrieved something from his jacket pocket, with a nod from Namjoon giving him permission to reveal to the rest of us what he was in possession of Yoongi tossed what appeared to be a driving licence down on the table.

"There's little left of the body, completely torn apart with their filthy scent all over it." Namjoon had never sounded so defeated, his emotional state severely weakned by what he'd seen.

"Kunpimook Bhuwakul." Hobi read out the name as he picked up the bloodied drivers license. "I don't recognize the name, what about you guys?"

The rest of us shook our heads, it wasn't a name any of us were familiar with but after only a few weeks here that wasn't surprising.

"Did you say Kunpimook Bhuwakul?" My heart dropped at the sound of her gentle voice, what was she doing down here? I told her to wait upstairs until she was called for.

"Sweetheart please go back upstairs." I pleaded, she didn't need to be a part of this yet.....I wasn't ready.

"I'm not going anywhere Taehyung so answer my question, why are you talking about Bam?" Her eyes were wide, heart racing.

"What did you say?" No.....please no, it can't be.

"I said why are you talking about Bam? Kunpimook Bhuwakul, that's his full name but we all call him Bam. Tae, what's happening?"

That's when two things happened.

I was about to tell the love of my life the most tragic of news knowing it would break her heart and second......Jungkook was right.  

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now