Chapter Seven ~ Lunch

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Y/N's POV ~

"I don't understand why he's so hostile! I haven't done anything wrong! I don't even know the guy!" I pouted.

"Awww, try not to worry too much about it Y/N." Jisoo linked her arm through mine as we entered the cafeteria.

"I felt so awkward all through the lecture. I tried smiling at him, even gave a friendly wave and he narrowed his eyes at me....kinda like this." I did my best impersonation of him, clenching my jaw and narrowing my eyes.

"Okay....that's creepy. Hilarious when you try and do it but very creepy." Jisoo chuckled as we approached our usual table.

"Hey losers!" Bam greeted us as we both sat down.

"Says the biggest loser here." Jisoo smirked, pushing his feet off the table.

"Yah! I was comfortable!" 

"I don't want your dirty shoes all over the table! This is where we eat!"

I laughed as my two best friends argued back and forth, they were always like this.

"So.....Y/N." Bam leaned across the table.

"Yes?" I cocked a brow. 

"Why does the new guy hate you?"

I rolled my eyes. "I don't know, I don't even know the guy."

"I'm guessing he just doesn't like the look of you." He shrugged, completely oblivious to the death glares he was getting from the two girls sitting opposite him.   

"Why? What's wrong with the way Y/N looks?" Jisoo finally broke the silence.

"Yeah, enlighten us." I scowled.

"Aish....I didn't mean it like that! I'm just saying that sometimes it's entirely possible to take an instant dislike to someone, hasn't that ever happened to you?" He looked between the two of us, realization dawning on him that he was only digging himself a deeper hole.

"I'm not following." Jisoo drummed her fingertips impatiently on the table surface.

"I went to this summer camp once and there was a guy there who everyone loved but for some reason even though he was always nice to me....I just didn't like him. I don't know why, he just rubbed me up the wrong way." He shrugged and quickly lowered his head.

"That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." Jisoo scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"I'm just trying to help Y/N! I know she feels weird over what happened earlier and I'm trying to give her an explanation!" He stuck his tongue out and slumped back in his chair.

"Wow....okay. I'll ignore the fact you just stuck your tongue out at me like a four year old and try and give Y/N a better explanation." Jisoo flipped her hair and turned to face me.

"I still think you just remind him of someone....maybe an ex girlfriend." 

My eyes widened. "No....definitely not. I mean....he's gorgeous! I can't possibly remind him of an ex girlfriend, a guy like him wouldn't look twice at someone like me."

"I knew it!" Jisoo slammed her hands down on the table.

"Yah! What the hell was that for?!"  I clutch my chest, heart racing.

"I knew you liked couldn't stop staring at him."  She lowered her voice to almost a whisper.

"I don't like him....I don't even know him but...."

".....but what?" Bam moved closer, a stupid smirk on his face.

"I mean he's attractive....everyone can see that." I was no doubt blushing like crazy. "....can we please stop talking about this."

"Okay, we'll stop teasing you for now but please don't get yourself too worried about it. I also happen to think you're beautiful so stop putting yourself down, I hate it when you do that." Jisoo smiled, playfully knocking her shoulder against my own.

"I second that." Bam winked.

"You guys have to say's like best friend code." I chuckled but appreciated their kind words.

Taehyung's POV ~

"Yah! Pabo!" I flinched when Jimin flicked my forehead.

"Yah! That hurt!" I scowled, rubbing the sore patch of skin.

"Tae you need to stop staring." Jimin chuckled.

"....what? I'm not staring."

"Tae you haven't stopped staring at her since they entered the cafeteria." 

"Y/N....that's her name."  Jungkook paused mid-slurp, ramen dribbling down his chin.

My attention was now fully on him.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I asked the guy who sits next to me in my world history lecture." He continued slurping his ramen.

"How did you even know about her and what happened earlier? We're not even in the same class...." I questioned.

"I got a text from Jimin hyung, he told me that you were freaking out over some girl sitting three rows behind you. I asked the guy next to me if he knew any of the students in your class and he told me his sister Yerin and her friends were the only ones he knew personally. I asked him for more information about them and he described them to me, from his description that one would be Y/N." Jungkook finished the last of his ramen and slumped back yawning. "That was good ramen....I'm so sleepy now."

"Yah! Pabo!" I hit his arm, he was quick to retaliate with a swift kick to my shin.  

"What?!" He furrowed his brow.

"First you shouldn't be texting in class! Second....why didn't you share this information with us earlier when we told you about what happened?!"

"Jimin hyung text me first! He was worried about you!"

"It's true's the second time you've nearly shifted since arriving this morning. I was making sure Jungkook was prepared for the worst case scenario."

"The worst case scenario meaning you wolf-out and completely blow our cover." Jungkook added.

"I know what the worst case scenario is pabo!" I snapped.

"I think she's your mate....well there's a possibility she's your mate." Jimin suggested.

I laughed, a little too loud which caused most of the cafeteria to glance over in our direction....including Y/N.

I wanted to look away but couldn't, she completely dominated my thoughts. Why does she have to be so beautiful?

I felt my heart race, jaw clenching as the shift threatened to take place.

"Tae....calm down." I could make out Jimin's dulcet tones but still couldn't tear my eyes away from Y/N.

Mate....Jimin said there was a possibility she could be my mate.

I didn't want that....I didn't like that.

It was bad enough when one wolf mates with another but for a wolf to mate with a's dangerous.

To mate with someone you've got to claim and then mark them, once doing this you give yourself totally to them.

It drives you crazy....once finding your mate all your senses become highly sensitive. It's like a drug, you become intoxicated by them and always want more.

I refused to believe she was my mate.

No....she can't be.


Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now