Chapter Forty Five ~ Preparations

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It wasn't long after Jimin and Jungkook got home that the other three arrived, just like the younger members they were happy to see Y/N still with Taehyung and congratulated the two.

It was just after midnight when Namjoon turned the conversation to something more serious, all of them were sitting out on the porch enjoying a beer to celebrate the happy news.

Jimin was currently draped across Jungkook's lap looking up at the stars and occasionally annoying his brother with playful flicks to the nose.

Jin hadn't said much, it was clear to everyone something was on his mind but only Namjoon and Yoongi really knew what was happening the rest just assumed he was tired.

Hobi was talking with Y/N about his new job at the dance studio, you could always tell when he got passionate and excited about something from the way his eyes lit up.

Yoongi was peeling at the label on his beer bottle, occasionally he would look over at Jin and smile but once their eyes met the smile would quickly fall to be replaced with his usual stoic expression reserved for the man he hopelessly loved but could never be with.

Taehyung couldn't stop looking at his mate, she looked so beautiful and made the perfect addition to their pack even if she was only human.

"Taehyung we must make preparations for the ceremony, I know you probably want to take your time with this but under our current circumstances we should make sure this happens as soon as possible."

Namjoon was using the pack link to communicate and even though Taehyung hated rushing this he knew Namjoon was right, with the rival pack looking for revenge they couldn't risk waiting around.

"I'll talk to her tonight, tell her everything that's involved and we'll have the ceremony tomorrow."

"I'll talk with the guys once you've spoken with Y/N, we'll have to be on our guard tomorrow because anything could happen once the rival pack discovers what we're celebrating."

Taehyung's blood ran cold, he would never forgive himself if something bad happened to his mate.

"Taehyung are you okay? You look troubled."

"I'm scared, I've got a bad feeling about this rival pack and you know my instincts have always been right."

Namjoon agreed with his younger brother because he too had the same doubts and fears.

"I'll protect all of you until my last breath Taehyung, whatever we face over the coming weeks we face together."

"I need to tell her the truth, the whole truth before she fully commits to the ceremony tomorrow. I'll never forgive myself if I knowingly place her in danger and don't even have the decency to warn her about it. Y/N will be risking her life by going through with the ceremony, the rival pack may use her to get to us."

Taehyung hadn't really throught this through clearly, before the rival pack arrived everything was so much simpler but now she would be throwing herself into a dangerous world and he wouldn't ever allow her to do that without first fully knowing the risks even if that meant losing her.

"Talk to her Taehyung, tell her the truth about everything and whatever choice she makes will be her own. If Y/N stays the pack will stand by her, protect her until our final moments."

Taehyung gave a nod, whatever choice she makes he would honour it.

"My love, take a walk with me?" Taehyung offered his hand, sending an apologetic look to his hyung for interrupting their conversation.

"It's okay Taehyung, was going to get some sleep anyway." Hobi yawned out as he stretched.

"Everything okay Taehyung?" Y/N cocked a brow quizzically as she took his hand.

"I've got something to tell you, something you need to consider before going ahead with this ceremony." Taehyung lead them down the porch steps and across the lawn, making sure he stayed alert just in case the rival pack decided to make a surprise appearance.

"The world we belong to isn't exactly safe, especially currently. Yoongi was part of a pack before meeting us, the pack turned out to be dangerous and blood thirsty and Yoongi didn't want to be a part of what they stood for and so betrayed them by leaving and joining us. It's the reason we moved here, to keep Yoongi safe but they managed to track us down. They're currently just outside our territory, camping out by the lake but so far they haven't challenged us. The only time they stepped foot on our land was when one of their pack attacked've got no idea how badly I wanted to chase him down and tear him apart but Namjoon told me to not attack, he doesn't want to start a war unless he's left with no other choice." Taehyung was shaking due to the anger which threatened to overwhelm him, just knowing someone dared to inflict pain upon his mate made him absolute furious. "If you go through with this ceremony they could target you, by giving yourself to me you're risking so much and even though it would tear me apart.....if you need to walk away from this then I'll let you go."

Y/N squeezed his hand gently and immediately shook her head. "Taehyung look at me."

He did so reluctantly, almost afraid of what she would say.

"I belonged to you from the first moment we met, as sappy as this sounds you've had me from the start and no matter what I'll stand by your side. I'll follow you wherever you go, like it or not Taehyung we're destined to be together and I'm not about to go against my destiny."

"Fuck my love what did I do to deserve you." Taehyung cupped her face, kissing those enticing lips that forever called to him.

"I'm ready Taehyung, whenever you need this ceremony to take place....I'll be there." The two lovers broke their kiss, taking a moment to just look and really appreciate each other.

"I don't want to rush this, I want everything to be special but because of the current situation the ceremony will be held tomorrow. I promise you that I'll make it perfect for you, I'll try my best to take it slow but you drive me crazy sweetheart."

Y/N chuckled, brushing her nose over his as her eyes darkened. "Who says I want you to be gentle."

"You're such a tease." Taehyung growled as he pulled her behind a group of trees, out of sight from the pack.

"Only for you." She breathed out seductively as Taehyung grabbed her right leg and hitched it up over his hip.

Taehyung moaned at just how soft her skin was, he so desperately wanted to put his lips all over her beautiful body.

"Tomorrow...." He paused, hooded eyes meeting her own as he gently squeezed her thigh.

"I'm going to taste...." He ran his tongue along the curve of her neck.

"Every...." He bit down and gently sucked just below her ear.

"Inch of you." He finished with a growl, voice huskier than usual if that was even possible.

"Taehyung.....kiss me." Y/N was almost breathless, nobody had ever made her feel this way before.

"Glady sweetheart."

Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now