Chapter Seventy Seven - Notes & Sketches

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Y/N couldn't sleep, it was strange not having Taehyung beside her and after tossing and turning for what felt like hours she finally admitted defeat and headed downstairs to fetch herself some water.

She wondered what he was doing, if he was struggling to sleep just like she was.

I can't sleep, thinking about you. How are you doing on our first night apart? Xxx

She hit send and then grabbed a glass from the cupboard, maybe after he replied she could finally settle down and get some sleep knowing he was okay.

"Couldnt sleep sweetheart?" Her dad appeared in the doorway, startling her as she filled her glass.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He chuckled, retrieving a glass of his own.

"It's okay, just a little jumpy." She smiled, leaning against the counter.

"Any particular reason for that?"

Y/N shrugged, taking a sip of her drink. It wasn't like she could tell him the real reason for why she was out of sorts, it wouldn't really go down well.

Oh yeah, my boyfriend is a werewolf and one of my best friends just got killed by a rival pack who now probably want me dead.

Yeah, best come up with something which wouldn't put his life at risk or make her seem like a raving lunatic.

"New relationship jitters." It was the first thing that came to mind and she cringed awkwardly after, it was a rubbish reason but it was too late to take it back now.

"Have I ever told you the story of how I met your mother?"

Y/N shook her head, she knew they met at school but had no idea of the finer details.

"I wasn't exactly the smartest guy at school, with my dyslexia and ADHD people steered clear of me. I didn't have any friends and I liked it that way, no friends then no judgement. I just kept to myself and people didn't bother me either, it was a win win situation. I used to spend my break at the library reading books on mechanical engineering, getting frustrated with myself when I couldn't make out what the damn page was saying. Then one day a new girl started at the school, before her I wasn't really interested in relationships but the moment I laid eyes on her my heart damn near leapt out of my chest. I knew that I didn't stand a chance with her, she was instantly popular and never seemed to notice me......that's what I assumed anyway."

Y/N smiled, completely enraptured by the story of how her parents met. It was something that seemed to give her father equal amounts of joy as he hadn't stopped smiling since he starting telling it.

"It all started about a week after she started at the school, I went to read my favourite engineering book and there was a note inside. It didn't say much, just a cute little Hi followed by this adorable sketch of a flower with a huge smile. It continued on for two weeks, I would get a note every single day and each time there would always be something different with a cute little sketch to go with it. It made me feel good, I was excited to get to school each day and with my mood getting better so did my grades."

Y/N chuckled, she knew it was her mom leaving notes because she did the same for her growing up.

"It was mom wasn't it?"

Her dad smiled, giving a nod after he finished his water.

"It was your mom, of course it was. I remember arriving at the library slightly earlier and catching her in the act, it was surprising to know someone like your mother would be interested in me but she was."

"So what did you do when you caught her leaving you another note?"

Her dad winked. "I kissed the hell out of her and never looked back, it didn't matter to me that we hadn't ever talked or spent time together. I knew the moment my eyes landed on her it was meant to be. I'll agree that not all first relationships last but some do and you don't need to look far for proof of that. There's been plenty of times when we've argued, occasions where we didn't think it would work but a relationship is all about working together as a team. It's not going to be easy, it's going to be impossible at times but you need to work at it. I loved you mother then and I love her even more now, for me there will never be anyone else. If Taehyung makes you feel this way then don't give up on that, take it slow and use protection...." He cocked a brow at this, chuckling when his daughter's eyes widened.


"I'm just saying to be careful but also don't be afraid to fall because if you're as lucky as me and get someone as amazing as your mother to catch you then it'll all be worth it."

Y/N knew he was right, she also knew that she felt exactly the same way about Taehyung as her dad did for her mom.

It wouldn't be easy, there would be many obstacles to overcome but if it was meant to be then in the end it would all be worth it.

Y/N wished her dad goodnight and headed back upstairs where the person she missed the most was already sleeping on her bed.

It seemed he couldn't stay away from her either, she remembered leaving the window open to let some air through so he must've sneaked in when she was downstairs speaking with her dad.

"Taehyung?" She whispered, brushing her fingertips across his forehead

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"Taehyung?" She whispered, brushing her fingertips across his forehead.

No response.

With a chuckle Y/N closed the window and slowly slipped under the covers beside him, last thing she wanted was to wake him as he seemed exhausted earlier.

"I love you." She whispered, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Love you too baby." Taehyung whispered back as he pulled her close to his chest.


The two were completely oblivious to the husband and wife standing just outside the door.

"I think those two will last." He chuckled, placing a kiss on his wife's head.

"What makes you say that?" She smiled up at him, the same beautiful eyes he had the privilege of waking up to each morning causing his heart to skip a beat.

"Because Taehyung reminds me of me, the younger version at least and guess who Y/N reminds me of?" He winked down at his wife's amused expression.

"Me." She replied to which he nodded.


((I hope you liked this chapter, just a little fluff before the madness begins. I hope you guys are ready! Please vote and comment, I love to read your thoughts. Love you guys))

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now