Chapter Ten ~ Dark Room

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One Month Later


I decided to use the dark room after my lectures were over for the day, I had so many photos to sort through and my project was due soon so I needed to get all of the relevant images developed ready for me to present my work.

The title of my piece was 'passion' and it focused on the love I had for my hobbies and those around me. I wanted one section to focus on my love for the outdoors, so I would be using the photographs I took in the forest. Another section would be totally dedicated to my family and friends, candid shots of them that they never knew I was taking. I love that, I hate it when people pose for the camera. I like my photographs to be natural, nothing forced; I like to capture the true emotion of a person.

I smiled as my eyes fell across the ones of Jisoo and Bam

I loved this one of Jisoo, it was taken last Summer when the two of us spent a day out enjoying the sun

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I loved this one of Jisoo, it was taken last Summer when the two of us spent a day out enjoying the sun. I remember how carefree she was, how happy everything made her. I took the picture without her even noticing and it's my favourite one, she looks so beautiful and content.

Bam is the biggest poser, whenever my camera comes out so does he

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Bam is the biggest poser, whenever my camera comes out so does he. I can never seem to get a genuine photo of him, it's always forced and over the top so it was like I hit the jackpot when I managed to take this photo of him. It was a few weeks ago after college, Jisoo was teasing him as usual and he was trying to come up with some witty retort when I captured this.

I was really happy with the photos so far, they would be perfect for my project.

My eyes widened when the next photo developed

My eyes widened when the next photo developed

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It was Kim Taehyung.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and cursed at myself for getting so worked up over him, he's not worth it Y/N....get a grip.

Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook arrived at our college just over a month ago and we still didn't know much about them. They were so mysterious, kept to themselves and didn't really socialize much outside of college.

Inside of college hours though they soon became the most popular students and it didn't really take much to see why, they were absolutely gorgeous and super talented at pretty much everything they did. The majority of girls wanted to date them and majority of guys wanted to hang out with them, they soon found themselves constantly surrounded by what I liked to call their 'groupies'

All three of them were super sweet to everyone but for some reason Kim Taehyung didn't seem to like me and to this day I still don't know why, not even Jimin and Jungkook can give me a reason.

"I'm sorry Y/N, it's just how he is sometimes. I'm sure he'll warm up to you, just give him time."

Jimin had said that same thing to me so many times now and to be honest it was starting to piss me off, I knew they were well aware of the reason why he didn't like me...they just didn't want me to know for fear of me getting hurt.

Too late for that.

Taehyung did everything possible to avoid me, I tried so many times to smile or start a conversation but each and every damm time he would avoid me or say he was busy before walking away. I was tired of his cold behaviour toward me, I was tired of the way he spoke to me. I tried so many times to ask him why he hated me so much but he would simply scoff and role his eyes before throwing the sweetest of smiles to the most popular girl in college.....Megan.

I mean it didn't surprise me that Taehyung had instantly taken a liking to her, she was beautiful and compared to her I was a potato.

Yet it hurt.

I don't why it hurt but it did and that only made me more frustrated, why did he hate me so much?

I couldn't deny I had a crush on him, he was drop dead gorgeous and you would have to be an idiot not to see that. I could see how intelligent he was, he always paid attention in his lectures and aced every exam and project. I knew he was passionate about art and photography, I would often see the way his eyes would fill with wonder when we would be looking at famous art pieces in class. I knew he had a gentle side to him, he is always helping people and would do anything to see someone smile but with me he was different and it hurt because I didn't deserve that.

I took the picture of Taehyung when a few of us went on a trip to the lake, he looked so deep in troubled. 

What was he thinking about?

I remember him looking over in my direction, I lowered my camera and blushed like an idiot. Did he see me take the photo?

I remember smiling at him, maybe one day he'll smile back but he didn't. Instead he just looked at me with those cold eyes void of any emotion and moved his arm around Megan's waist. I don't know why but my eyes filled with tears, I remember cursing and telling myself not to be so stupid. I walked away and spent the rest of our trip feeling overwhelmed by it all. I remember getting back on the coach later that day, feeling his eyes on me and not daring to turn around. I don't understand him, he's made it clear he dislikes me so why does he continue to make me feel so worthless.     

I sighed and finished developing the rest of my photographs before packing everything away and heading to the gates, I asked dad to pick me up on his way home from work so it wouldn't be long until he's here.

I was walking through the empty corridors, my mind constantly thinking about Taehyung and why he treated me so badly. I didn't even notice someone approach me until it was too late, my body slammed against another and my eyes locked with those cold dark ones he reserved only for me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, heart racing as his eyes fell to my lips before returning to my eyes.  

"Watch where you're going." He snapped.

"Why are you so rude to me all the time?! What is your problem?" I cocked a brow, tired of his attitude toward me since he arrived here a few weeks ago.

"Listen, I don't have to explain myself to you so just move." He lowered his head, hot breath dancing along my cheeks causing my heart to race.

"I can't stand you." 

"Feeling is mutual."  He swallows hard as his eyes dart to my lips.

"Just leave me alone." I whispered, my voice cracking as my eyes filled with tears. I was tired of him, I was tired of how he made me feel.

I bumped my shoulder against his and proceeded to make my way out. I felt his eyes on me the entire time but didn't dare look back.



Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now