Chapter Thirty Two ~ Foreplay

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Y/N watched as Taehyung asked the professor if he could be excused to use the restroom, she did as he asked and waited for a few minutes before she did the same.

"Where are you going?" Jisoo questioned as she started to move away from their table.

"I need the toilet, I'll be back soon." Y/N didn't miss the way Jisoo's eyes moved over to Taehyung's empty chair, she also didn't miss the way her best friend rolled her eyes before smirking.

"Sure, I'll just finish this up." Jisoo really was an angel, putting up with Y/N constantly spending time with Taehyung and always covering for her.

"You're the best, I love you." Y/N quickly kissed her cheek, Jisoo chuckled and gave a nod.

"Sure, just promise me we can still have our girls night at the weekend and I'll be happy."

"I promise." Y/N smiled before heading to the front.

"Naughty girl." Jimin whispered as she walked by his desk, she felt her face flush and sent a scowl his way which only made him laugh.

"Hush." She whispered before approaching the professor and asking to be excused.

She hoped whatever Taehyung had planned wouldn't last too long, she didn't want to get in trouble.

"Taehyung?" Y/N whispered as she walked down the hallway, it was completely sign of him at all.

Where the hell was he?

"Taehyung this isn't funny....where the hell are yo....eeeek" Y/N was suddenly grabbed and pulled inside one of the music rooms, luckily it was empty apart from herself and Taehyung.

"What was that adorable sound you just made?" Taehyung chuckled as he closed the door and pushed a chair under the handle, he wanted to make sure they weren't disturbed.

"You scared the life out of me Tae! Christ....I almost had a heart attack." Y/N attempted to calm herself down as Tae walked over to the piano.

"My dad once told me that a woman is like your favourite instrument....." Taehyung had never spoken about his biological family to her before, Y/N was instantly alert and intrigued.....she wanted to know about his past.

"What else did he say?" Y/N asked as she walked over to him slowly, her eyes never leaving his fingers as they played a few notes.

"That you should treat her with care, listen to the sounds she makes and together create a masterpiece." Taehyung finally looked at her, his eyes so intense it momentarily rendered Y/N speechless.

"Come here my love." Taehyung beckoned her with his finger and without hesitation she moved over to the man who so easily captured her heart.

"Hey." She breathed out, heart racing as she reached him.

"Hey back." He smiled as his fingers gently danced along her jaw.

"What are you going to do Taehyung?" She whispered, voice wavering.....she was nervous.

She was never usually nervous when it came to sex.

"Creating a masterpiece." He whispered, lips brushing over the shell of her ear before he placed a gentle kiss beneath it.

"Sit down sweetheart." He gently spun them around and guided her down to sit on the piano stool.

"I'm don't know why but I'm nervous." She swallowed hard, all the confidence she had earlier was gone.

"I know my love but don't're so precious to me, I'll never let anything bad happen to you." Taehyung sat beside her on the stool, gently he placed his long slender fingers under her chin and tilted her head so his lips could claim her own.

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now