Chapter Twelve ~ Pabo

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"I hate him! I don't understand what his problem is! It's like he's going out of his way to annoy me and make me feel like shit! I mean you guys should've seen him today, one minute he's yelling at me to watch where I'm going and then the next he's got me up against....Bam are you even listening?" I glared at my friend, this was crucial ranting time and it required his full attention.

"Yes, I'm listening. Something about Taehyung and him having you against....wait what?! Did that idiot hurt you?!" I rolled my eyes as Bam widened his.

" were so listening." My tone was dripping with sarcasm which he immediately picked up on.

"I'm sorry, I was hungry and these are really good but you've got my full attention now."

"That's good to know." I furrowed my brow before continuing. 

"First no....he didn't hurt me but to continue with what I was saying before..." I sigh, flopping down very dramatically on my bed. "I just don't know what to do."

"Ignore him." Jisoo finally appeared, throwing a soda in my direction before sitting beside me.

"Thanks....and what good would ignoring him do?" I cracked open my can and took a sip.

"Well, you've been trying to get his attention since he started."

"I wouldn't say that....I've just been trying to show him that I'm actually a nice person."

"Yeah and that's going really well for you." Bam snorted, tone one of sarcasm as he grabbed a magazine from my bedside table and started to flick through the pages.

"I didn't ask you." I snapped to which he rolled his eyes and continued to read the magazine, obviously our girl talk was getting a little tedious for him.

"Bam is right though, you trying to be friends with him obviously isn't working so try the opposite approach. Ignore him, avoid him at all costs and see what happens. I mean....who knows, maybe it'll annoy him enough to finally approach you."

I furrowed my brow. "That doesn't even make sense, why would that work?"

Jisoo sighed and shook her head. "Y/N you're so cynical, just try it out okay? The worst that could possibly happen is that it doesn't work or change anything, promise me you'll at least give it a go."

I didn't see the harm in trying so gave a nod. "Fine, I suppose it couldn't hurt to try a different approach."

"I've got a question though....did you enjoy it?"

I noticed the devilish grin Jisoo was wearing and cocked a brow.

"Enjoy what?"

"Oh you know....Taehyung having you against the wall."

I blushed and shook my head.

"Hell no, he's an absolute idiot."

A seriously hot idiot....with gorgeous skin and perfect lips.

I shook my head, pushing those ridiculous thoughts away.

"Y/N you're blushing right now." Jisoo laughed.

"Hush, you're supposed to be on my side!" I snapped to which she pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm always on your side but as your best friend it's my duty to call you out on your bullshit."

"What bullshit is that?" I raise my voice a little, nervous as to what she's about to say.

"It's obvious you've got a huge crush on Kim Taehyung." Bam beat Jisoo to the punch, he looked up from the magazine and smirked.

I grabbed a pillow and covered my face, releasing a frustrated cry into the soft fabric. "I do." I finally admitted. "Is it really that obvious?" I added.

"To us yes, you're our best friend Y/N and you should know by now you can never hide anything from us." Jisoo answered.

"Ugh." I groan out before finally rolling onto my back.

"It'll be okay Y/N, if Kim Taehyung can't see what an amazing girl you are then it's his loss." Jisoo took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.  

"He's got Megan, how can I even compete with her? It doesn't matter anyway because he can't stand me, this is so messed up. I'm so cliché right now, it's almost pathetic. The ordinary girl crushing on the popular guy who already has a stunning girlfriend, my life sucks."

"Your life doesn't suck." Jisoo gently moved her fingers through my hair. "You just need to show him what he's missing."

I shook my head and chuckled, I could always count on Jisoo to make me feel better.

"Hey, did you guys know that apparently my dream guy is Ryan Reynolds." Bam looked up from my magazine and waggled his brows.

We could always count on Bam to make us forget whatever dark cloud was looming overhead. I laughed along with Jisoo but soon stopped when Kim Taehyung invaded my thoughts again.

"I don't even know why I like him, he's a total ass." I whined.

"He's a drop dead gorgeous ass." Jisoo added.

"I would totally go gay for him." Bam chimed in to which we all laughed.

"It's not just that....I mean yeah he's gorgeous but there's something else. I can't explain it, I just feel like there's this connection."

"Connection?" Jisoo cocked a brow.

"I know it sounds absolutely ridiculous because we don't even know each other that well, I mean all we do is argue but there's something about him. I feel drawn to him and it's driving me crazy, I wish I didn't feel this way."

"Yeah, you definitely sound crazy." Bam teased.

"Yah! Who asked you?!" I threw my pillow and scowled when he managed to dodge it successfully.  

"I don't know why you feel this connection but hopefully you'll get answers soon."

"I hope so, I really do."

"Just do like I said, ignore him and show him that you're not playing his games. Keep your head held up high, have faith in yourself."

"I love you, you know that right?" I smile as Jisoo's eyes soften.

"Love you too."

"I love Ryan Reynolds." Bam smirks as he closes the magazine and looks over at us.

"You're so weird." Jisoo laughs and I can't help but join her.

At least today didn't end as badly as it started, I have my friends to thank for that.

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now