Chapter Fifty Six ~ Coward

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Namjoon doesn't say a word, he's tried numerous times before and it only ends with an argument neither one of them really wants so instead the two sit in silence.

I'm here.

Is all the Alpha says through his private connection with Jin.

I know.

Jin replies as he grabs the binds and starts to wrap them around his knuckles.

Want me to spot you?

Namjoon stands by the strike bag, watching with a furrowed brow as Jin flexes his fingers before taking a fighting stance.


Namjoon instructs, Jin complies with a powerful strike to the bag.

Jeek gi

Namjoon suggests, Jin again complies with a swift kick to the bag.



Jin follows the count, alternating from powerful strikes with his fists to ones with his feet.

Namjoon allows him this moment to release his frustration, he knows nothing else will do the trick and so does his duty as alpha by simply holding the bag and giving his hyung words of encouragement.


Jin growls over and over as the bag takes full force of his rage, Namjoon refrains from making a comment as he knows full well that it'll only enrage Jin further.

Fucking coward

One particular powerful strike pushes the bag back, Namjoon holds his ground and tightens his grip.

I don't want a mate like him

Namjoon has heard this all before




Jin has been through it all and Namjoon has been with him every single step of the way, he lets out his anger, curses the world to hell and back but Jin never means his words because deep down Namjoon knows as well as Jin does that he loves Yoongi with all his heart and these current hate filled words are simply ones of a heartbroken man.

Let it out hyung

Namjoon encourages as Jin delivers one last powerful strike before allowing his sweat covered body to fall against the bag.

"He's a fucking coward Namjoon, the biggest." Jin's voice is broken, much like his soul.

"We both know you don't really mean that." Namjoon places a reassuring hand on Jin's shoulder, it shudders from the contact as he finally breaks.

"I hate this, it only gets worse." The eldest sobs as the alpha embraces him with strong arms and gentle words.

"I'm here hyung, I'm always here."

Yet Namjoon knows it'll never be enough, the only person who can put an end to this misery is the one who caused it.

That wasn't about to happen anytime soon.

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now