Chapter Sixty Two ~ Coconut Madness

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I wasn't going to tell Y/N about the body, not until we had more information or at the very least a name to go with it.

I was scared, she was suddenly part of our world and had no experience with just how terrifying it could potentially be.

I would never forgive myself if something happened to her, she was so beautiful and so very fragile and even though she had our protection that didn't guarantee her safety because the pack had other duties besides guarding her and what if something or rather someone slipped through the smallest of cracks whilst the seven of us were momentarily distracted by other urgent duties......the thought made me feel sick.

I pushed open the door to my bedroom and furrowed my brow upon finding it empty, maybe she was taking a shower like I suggested earlier.

"Y/N? Sweetheart?" I knocked against the bathroom door a couple of times before hearing the sound of water lap against the tub.

"Hang on, I'll open the door for you." Her voice instantly relaxed me, carrying away my sour mood as the sounds of her feet hitting the tiles followed.

I needed to hold her, holding her made everything better.

There was a soft click as she opened the door, my lips forming a smirk at the sight which greeted me.

"Hello my little lobster, how hot do you have that bath water?" I chuckled as she frowned at me, even her mad face was adorable.

"I'm not that red!"

"Oh I beg to differ, you're that red I should start calling you Sebastian and why are you wearing a towel?" I cocked a brow, tone playful as she widened her eyes.

"No dirty thoughts mister! Sebastian wants to enjoy the bath before you get all handsy." I chuckled as she took a step back, the temptation to give chase was incredibly difficult to ignore.

"So what happened with the guys downstairs?" I closed the door and paused briefly, she deserved the truth but I didn't want to ruin her day with the morbid truth of the situation until we had more information.

"I'll tell you once we're downstairs but don't worry too much for now sweetheart, just enjoy your bath." I watched as she dropped the towel, even her legs were red but that didn't make her any less desirable.

"You're beautiful." I approached the bath as she submerged herself, she would usually blush at my words but with how red her face was there's absolutely no way to tell if she was or not.

"Such a charmer." She chuckled, leaning her head back with a content sigh.

"I want to be close to you." I craved the feel of her skin against mine.

"Then why don't you join me." She bit down on her bottom lip, something she did when feeling shy.

I had serious cute aggression with this beautiful woman.

"You just want to see me naked." I teased, maintaining eye contact as I undressed myself.

"Christ Y/ really like your water hot huh?" I allowed my body to adjust to the temperature before sitting opposite her, my long legs stretched out either side and caged her in.

"I could get used to this." I smiled as my hands searched for her feet.

"Don't you dare tickle me." She warned with a raised brow.

"I wouldn't dare sweetheart." I chuckled, slowly running my fingers along her calves in circular motions.

"You look troubled Tae, sure everything went okay downstairs?"

I met her inquisitive gaze and smiled, no matter how much I tried to hide my worry and concern she still picked up on it.

"I just feel bad, you've been thrown into this whole mess without experience or much information and that's partly my fault. There's so much you need to learn, so much you still don't know and I feel like I've done you a great injustice by not letting you know the whole truth about our kind and the dangerous world we're involved with."

"Taehyung please don't blame yourself, this was a decision I made myself. I knew the dangers, you warned me about them and yet I still decided to be a part of your world."

"I know sweetheart but there's still so much you don't know, I don't even know where to start."

"Then why don't we do lessons?"

"Lessons?" I smirked, the idea like herself was completely adorable and ingenious.

"Yeah, once a week we can spend a few hours where you teach me everything about your kind."

"You're completely adorable, you know that right?" I moved closer, gently grabbing her thighs and pulling her closer.

"Everything about you....." I took each leg and moved it up and around my waist.

"......Is perfect." I finished with a kiss to her red nose.

"Tae...." She gasped as my arousal became evident.

"Yes sweetheart." I smirked.

"Does everything have to become sexual with you?" She chuckled but it was pretty damn obvious that she was just as turned on.

"I can't help it, you're so delicious." I playfully nipped at her neck as she giggled.

The sound of someone rushing up the stairs diverted my attention, I was instantly nervous as this could be something related to the body found and call me selfish but I didn't want our moment ruined especially when Y/N was so happy.

"Tae? Y/N? You both in the bathro....why do I smell coconut madness?" Jimin's voice drew closer to the door, judging from the shadow moving beneath the frame he was standing right behind it.

"Coconut madness?" I snorted out a laugh as my attention turned back to Y/N.

"I used a bath bomb, it was the last one but didn't think anyone would mind me using it." Her eyes filled with regret which only made me laugh.

"Sorry Chim, Y/N used your last bath bomb." I teased.

"You used my last coconut madness bath bomb!" Jimin whined as the two of us attempted to stifle a laugh.

"I hear nothing! Why are you guys so quiet? You better not be fucking in my coconut madness!"

That was it, we both lost our composure and erupted.

"It's not funny!" Jimin protested.

Maybe not for him but for us it would be the last time we would get to laugh like this for a very long time.

Little did we know that Namjoon was on his way home with some tragic news that would change everything.

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now