Chapter Fifty Nine ~ The Discovery

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"Tae? Baby? Taehyung you're starting to freak me out, what's wrong with you?" Y/N snapped her fingers a couple more times and finally he blinked.

"I need to meet with the guys, they need me for something downstairs." His tone was full of regret, eyes apologetic.

"Tae it's totally fine, don't feel guilty. I can take a shower and get myself ready as you guys talk, I can't expect you to always give me your full attention."

"I know sweetheart but today was supposed to be special, just the two of us with no distractions." In all honesty Taehyung felt like he was already letting her down and yet she was so gracious about the entire situation, so understanding and selfless.

"Taehyung this isn't your fault, the guys need you and besides...." Y/N placed a soft kiss on his forehead. ".....I'm not going anywhere, we've got a lifetime together Taehyung."

"Christ, you're absolutely perfect, you know that right?"

"I know, I'm pretty gosh darn amazing."

He chuckled at her teasing, heart racing at the information Yoongi had just given the pack.

A body

Taehyung didn't want to keep this from Y/N but he also didn't want to worry her until all the facts had been given, he would meet with the guys downstairs and find out exactly what was going on before ruining his special day with her.

"I'll be back soon, promise." He kissed her gently, hands slowly running up the length of her spine before letting go.

"I'll be here waiting, love you."

"Love you too."


"Where did you discover the body?" Namjoon asked Yoongi once all seven of them had gathered in the basement, he didn't want Y/N to hear the morbid details, she was a recent addition to their pack so deserved to be spared from this conversation hence the reason he picked the basement to have their emergency pack meeting.

"I was coming back from my run, picked up the scent of blood. I knew it was human, followed the trail which led me to the clearing. It's not pretty, they've been completely torn apart. I investigated the immediate vicinity, tried to pick up on other old pack did this." Yoongi sighed deeply, shoulders slumped in defeat.

"They killed an innocent on our territory Namjoon, you know what this means." Jin furrowed his brow, concern evident.

"They just declared war." Namjoon placed his hands down on the table, they had two options

1. Get the hell out of town and go into hiding.

2. Fight and protect the innocents.

Namjoon didn't even need to think about his choice

"I'm not about to let anything happen to the people here, they need our protection and not to mention Taehyung now has Y/N to worry about."

"I can't let her go back home, she won't be safe there." Taehyung stepped forward, eyes filled with worry.

"I know, think of something to tell her parents and make sure she packs enough to last her a few days. I don't want you guys missing school though, we don't want them to think we're scared of them and going into hiding. I'll stay here at the house and keep watch with Jin as my second, Yoongi and Hobi will make sure you guys get to and from school safely and will keep watch."

"What about Y/N, she's part of the pack now so we can't leave her in the dark about this." Jungkook questioned.

"We don't tell her anything until the body is identified, we need all the facts before she finds out about this. Jungkook take Hobi and scout out the rival camp, get as much information as your possibly can for me about what they could be planning."

Can I Keep You ♡ Taehyung/Reader FF ♡ Completed/Currently Editing♡Where stories live. Discover now