Chapter 2

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Hermione's POV

McGonagall led us up to the Seventh Floor after the feast had finished. It was sad to see how empty the Great shall looked in comparison to previous years. No number of first years could replace the amount lost.

McGonagall walked until she reached the previous location of the Room of Requirement. She paused and I could tell by the lines on the marble floor that this was where the door would have appeared had it still existed.

"The Room of Requirement was far beyond repair, however we were able to build a new room here. This will be your common room." McGonagall didn't give them any time to protest. The room does not change like it used to, but if you think hard enough you'll be able to make small adjustments to your room. You are now Head Prefects and are expected to be role models for the entire school. You must not let your house or experiences bias your treatment of the students." I tried not to make it obvious that I was looking at Malfoy when she said that statement. He didn't react though, just started ahead.

"You do however, have some privileges. For example, you do not have a curfew. You will also be granted more leniency with classes due to these other duties."

At this statement, I saw a small flutter on Malfoy's face. No doubt he's happy about that, I thought to myself. I was already dreading this because I'd probably have to do everything myself.

"One last thing. You may not reveal your common room to anyone without my permission."

That last sentence caught my attention, but again no reaction from Malfoy.

"Please headmaster," I tried pleading with McGonagall. "You can't expect me to spend all my time with him." McGonagall didn't respond and the silence was my answer. "So that means Ginny won't be able to come visit?"

"I'm afraid not Miss Granger. Now, your password will be 'time turner'-"

I let out a tiny gasp when I heard those two words. Professor had paused to look at me, along with Draco. I hadn't though about the time turner in years. I hoped it was still tucked away at the bottom of my chest. I wondered if Dumbledore ever told her about their arrangements.

"Do not change the password without my instructions Understood?" Draco and I both nodded. McGonagall then tapped the wall and whispered, "Homenum Revelio." A portrait frame started to become visible, and soon the picture appeared. He looked just as I remembered. Black, greasy hair, and a crooked nose.

"Why, isn't this a sight to see? Malfoy and Granger, standing next to eachother without try to rip each other apart."

I found it hard to believe he'd be placed here. I mean he was only Headmaster due to unfortunate circumstances, but still. Shouldn't he be with the others? Snape continued talking while I tried to drown him out. Despite what Harry had told us, I find some of it hard to believe and don't think anything excuses his horrible treatment towards us.

"Anyway, enough rambling." He shifted his attention towards me. "How has my favorite student been?"

Draco, oblivious, started to speak, "I'm trying-"

"I was talking to Miss Granger, Mister Malfoy, but thank you for sharing."

I couldn't suppress the eye roll that can over me. His favorite student? Yeah, okay.

"Oh I've been great," I replied with the same amount of sarcasm. "And now I'm even better because I get to see you everyday!"

McGonagall coughed, wanting to speak. "Well there's more time for chit-chat later. Let us go look at the inside. Time turner."

Snape opened the portrait hole and we climbed inside.

I couldn't help but admire it. This common room had to be the most elegant place in the school, apart from the Great Hall. The detail that went into it was astonishing. A giant fire place, a chandelier, books upon books lined the walls. It would have been perfect other than Draco being here. McGonagall muttered something about leaving us to explore and then left.

I found my room, through a door on the back wall. I had my own bed and it was even better than a four-posts in the dormitory. The room was decorated with Gryffindor colors, but a much more subtle and mature style than if they'd just hung up banners. There was a huge dresser, already filled with my clothes, and a desk with a mirror. A closet was off to the side and I imagined by robes and school clothes to be hung up in there. I couldn't help but smile when I noticed Crookshanks sleeping peacefully in the patch of sun coming through the window.

The last place to explore was another door along the side wall. I had expected it to be the bathroom so I wasn't surprised when that's what I saw. The room didn't disappoint either. Separate bath and shower, white marble, mirrors along the walls, cabinets made of elegant dark wood. I paused when I noticed the two sinks. Not a second later I noticed the far door across from mine. I was quickly trying to think of possible explanations when that door flung inward.

"Oh this is just great." He flung his hands dramatically in the air. "As if sharing a room isn't bad enough, now we have to share a bathroom too!"

"Look, Malfoy, its not like it was my fault! Do you think I want to share a bathroom with you either?" It bothered me that he was acting like the only one who was inconvenienced by all of this. I'm the one who's going to be stuck with an ex-Death Eater who wouldn't have hesitated to kill me last year. "If we're gonna live together, we can at least try to get along."

He took a step inside of the room. I didn't want to admit it but his demeanor was intimidating and I almost took a step back to compensate.

"Yeah, well, I have a better idea," he spat at me. "How about you just leave me alone. Then we won't have to worry about getting along, will we." He paused like he was done talking. Then didn't hesitate with the next part.

"Yeah, mudblood?"

The way he said it, he should've just hexed me. It probably would have hurt less. I had to suppress my feelings and not give him the satisfaction of getting a ruse out of me.

"I think that's a brilliant idea! I don't want to see you, let alone talk to you either!"

I have a final huff and slammed the door shut on the way back to my room. I instinctively locked in to be safe. I let out a sigh, and plopped down onto my bed. A few tears had welled in my eyes. I thought about how long it would take for that word to not bother me anymore.


Draco's POV

I stood in the bathroom for a few minutes after she slammed her door. I didn't know what I was hoping to hear, but I could have sworn I heard crying. I should have felt accomplished knowing that my words had their intended affect, but for some reason they didn't. I couldn't figure out why. Normally I got such pleasure from getting under her skin. This time was different and I almost caught myself wishing I could talk it back. That thought was enough to make me sick and I came to the conclusion that I was just tired from the long day.

I reminded myself that I don't care what she thinks or how she feels. I simply don't care about people like her. I could feel the familiar feelings of hate building up inside of me and had to resist the urge to slam it into the mirror of my desk.

"Stupid mother," I cursed under my breath. "I can't believe she thought this would be a good idea."

I sat down on my bed. Granger briefly popped into my head and I started to wonder what was she thinking about at this moment. Soon enough, the exhaustion consumed me. I laid back and was asleep before I could count to three.

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