Chapter 40

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Draco's POV

Okay, where to start? Hmmm... how about the part where I was kidnapped, and it all started? Or how about I just tell her what happened now? Why I had fainted? Because that'd make so much sense.

"Well you see, Hermione, we had to go into the Forbidden Forest to meet some of the death eaters, and while talking, I was informed that you're about to be killed. And once I heard that I sorta just fainted because I still love you?

Because it's not like I broke up with her or something. I'm supposed to pretend I don't love her anymore, distance myself from her. It was to save her, it was for the best. She needed it, and maybe I did, too.

"No," I said vigorously shaking my head like a toddler.

She raised her eyebrow a bit more and gave me this piercing look that made me just want to tell her everything.


Hermione knew she couldn't keep up the act for much longer when she was dying inside.

She was feeling so heartbroken. She was crying. Not physically, but mentally. In front of her, stands the annoying boy that she still desperately loves. The boy she's trying so hard to forget. The boy that had hurt her the most of all. All right here, standing in front of her with a terrified expression on his face. She just wanted so badly to turn around and run away. Run away to never look back.

Draco on the other hand was trying to find the right words. Right actions. The right anything. He was trying to figure out how to say that there are people coming for her. That she's gonna die. That he betrayed her. That he loves her. Loves not loved. There was just so much he had to do and it was killing him. Slowly but surely.

"No?" Hermione questioned.

"Uh," Draco said quickly trying to think of some story. What had Pansy and Blaise said? "I, er, was going to the, uh, quidditch pitch, an um, fainted. Not sure why," he added, thinking that was a believable story. For now.

He quickly locked eyes with her, and tried to tell her later. He was pleading her not to hate him. Well not hate him anymore than she already does. But that probably won't happen because his name is Draco Malfoy, and Draco Malfoy always gets screwed.

Hermione shook her head and pretended she was satisfied. But she really wasn't. She couldn't take it any longer. She turned on the spot and swiftly walked down the corridor, anywhere away from him. How can he lie to me, she thought. Again! She was just done with him.

Draco's POV

I was just making this worse. I knew it. But maybe that's what needed to happen. I made this weird sad noise when I realized they were still here.

"So," I said merrily. "Anyone want to tell me what the hell happened," I asked. I could just pretend I didn't know and then no one would have to know. Because that's a good idea...

"Why don't you tell us what happened," Pansy said with her hands on her hips in a bitchy tone.

Okay, I thought, time to be a Malfoy.

"I don't know what happened," I hissed through my teeth. I actually didn't mnd be rude to Pansy. "Remember? I'm the one that passed out? God, use your brain, that's what it's there for," I added.

She closed her mouth into a thin line. Good, she's smart enough to shut up.

I looked over at Blaise, he didn't look like he wanted to say anything else either.

"Well, one of of you decides to tell me what happened, you know where to find me," I said as I walked away. Not quite sure where too, it's not like I was looking for anything in particular.


Draco didn't find Hermione, and Hermione was glad no one did. She was a mess right now.

In her corner of the library, she wiped her eyes and looked out the window.

"Hermione?" A girl asked from behind.

Ella, Hermione thought. She'd forgotten to really show her around. She felt a little guilty but that wasn't the problem at the moment.

"Yes?" She answered not looking at the girl. She didn't want her to see her face.

"Hermione," Elizabeth said a bit more stern.

But Hermione was off in a different place. Back in time. Which was a mistake. Most of her memories from this year had him in it. And he just made her feel depressed. But she liked to see what it had been like - you know, to be in love. Because she certainly didn't feel that way anymore. She was trying to move on but she was clinging onto that last thread of hope.

Suddenly she was pulled out of her memories to find she was crying. Elizabeth sitting in front of her.

"Sorry," Hermione quietly said, looking out over the lake.

"What's wrong," Elizabeth asked.

Hermione shook her head. "It's nothing."

Hermione looked back at Elizabeth. Elizabeth started to lean forward.

She extended her hand and wiped the tear on Hermione's cheek. "If it truly was nothing, you wouldn't be here crying."

Hermione smiled. "Yeah, I guess," she sighed. "I think that I just wish it was nothing..."

The two sat in silence for a moment.

"So, do I get to know what this nothing is?" Elizabeth asked, slightly nudging Hermione's shoulder.

Hermione rubbed her eyes and sniffled. "Well," Hermione started with a fresh smile on her face, "there's this boy..."


Sorry this was a little late, I had a MAJOR writer's block, but I got passed it. Draco and Hermione keep drifting farther and farther apart, what are they going to do? And Hermione and Ella, friends?
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*E/N (Editors Note)*

Hey guys! It's the editor! So I'm going to start putting these for the following chapters! So like she said me and her are having a terrible case of writers block! So please comment ideas! If they are major please send us a message because we don't want other people stealing your ideas! So COMMENT & VOTE! BYE!!~harry_potter_6666

"One of the best times for figuring out who you are & what you really want out of life? Right after a break-up."

~Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

Mrs Felton

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