Chapter 27

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Draco sat, alone, in the common room for three hours, waiting for Hermione.

She was in no hurry to get back, so after three hours of looking around, buying a few new books, and deciding that she had made the right choice, she returned.

Hermione's POV

I didn't know exactly what was wrong with Draco but I figured it was just one of those mood swings of his. He was like a pregnant women sometimes, minus the vomiting.

When I returned, Draco was still on the couch, unmoved, staring into the fire.


"Hm," he answered, gaze not wavering.

"Uh- What are you doing?"

"Watching the fire," he said like it was obvious.


Only then did he look at me. He squinted his eyes slightly. "What do you want," he asked not as harsh as earlier, but still cold.

Just some more of his pregnant lady hormones, I thought and mentally giggled. "I was just seeing what you did today," I said cautiously.

His face softened. "Oh nothing much," he said in the voice I had become accustomed to. Casual, and laid back. Just like him - most of the time.

"Oh," I said putting my bags on the table and sat on the armchair. "So..." He didn't answer. After quite a while, I thought of a brilliant idea. The perfect idea.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him off the couch into the kitchen.

"Granger," he groaned, "what are we doing in here?"

"Whenever I'm home for Christmas, I always bake cookies with my mom."

"So we're baking cookies?" He had a puzzled look on his face that made him look so adorable. No, I did not just think that.

"Yes," I said cheerfully.

He let out something that would be considered a moan. "I don't even know how to turn on the oven, how the hell am I supposed to make some damn Christmas cookies?"

"I'll help you." I walked over to the fridge. It should work like the Room of Requirement, right?

I closed my eyes and thought of the ingredients I needed.



I opened the fridge, and everything was there. It had worked!

"Now lets start baking!"

"Yay," he said sarcasticly.

I got a big bowl to mix, and set it on the counter. I went to dump the flor into the bowl but it became airborne and I started choking on it.

Draco was laughing so hard he leaned on the counter so he wouldn't fall over. "Are you sure you know how to do this?"

"Oh shut up," I managed to croak. He continued to laugh. The nerve of him...

I looked down at the bowl of flour on the counter. A moment later, I was in front of him - him laughing to hard to notice - and had thrown a handful of flour at his face.

He didn't stop laughing immediately, not until he registered what had happened.

His face became dead-serious, almost scary looking. I took a few steps back afraid he was gonna blow, but he was moving forward. My back hit the refrigeration, and he still stalked forward.

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