Chapter 8

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| "You can't crush ideas by suppressing them."

-Vachel Lindsay |

Hermione's POV

I grabbed my school books and headed to the Library the next morning. Ancient Runes wasn't for another half hour.

I sat in the library, but I didn't get much work done. My mind wasn't in its right place.


The two carried on as usual, making sure to avoid eachother.

At lunch, Hermione sat with her friends, and shared a few laughs. But it felt odd. She had become used to Draco and his annoying presence. It was odd without him near her.

Draco sat with Blaise, the closest thing to a friend he had and Pansy, who just followed him around like the dog she is.

After classes Hermione sat on the couch, translating some Ancient Runes. Draco came in shortly after and plopped down next to her.

Draco, seeing Hermione look stuck, glanced down. He knew that one. "That's sunset," he told her.

She glanced up at him with a confused expression. "You - ?"

"Yes, Granger. I know Runes. It's not like I haven't taken it since 3rd Year."

"I'm impressed," she noted with a smile before returning to her homework.

Draco smirked to himself before turning in for the night.

Harry's POV

I woke in a cold sweat and felt the pain. I reached a hand to my forehead and it was searing hot. I could feel it pulsing. It hadn't hurt since the war. He's gone. But then, why was my scar was searing in pain. He's dead. He's gone. They can't bring him back. It's impossible.

No matter how much I believe that to be true, I couldn't get back to sleep that night.

I had to talk to Hermione.

Secret POV

We were in a worn-down house. The roof was caved in, and there were missing floor boards. I was in the middle of the room.

A man with thick, matted hair stepped out from the shadows. He had an evil grin on his dirt-covered face. His teeth were yellow. It looked like he hadn't bathed in months. "Ah, why's been to long."

Macnair spoke up, "Mulciber," I remember that name, "I-we thought you were... dead."

Mulciber let out a loud laugh. "Dead? Me, dead? I've simply been in hiding. Waiting for this moment. Now you're probably wondering why you're here." The two nodded. "We are here to bring him back once again."


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