Chapter 21

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Hermione's POV

In a couple days, most everyone would be leaving for Christmas. I had my chest packed already. The only thing left was presents. Should I get Draco one? Of course, he wouldn't give her one but, still. Wouldn't it be a nice gesture? Could anything I afford reach his standards? Ugh, why does this have to be so dang complicated?!

Draco's POV

I had already found that Hermione was leaving for break. No doubt going to do something wonderful with her perfect family and perfect friends.

Blaise was going to visit his mom in Italy. Pansy, who I didn't really mind leaving, was going to help with some "planning." Luna was staying with her dad to do some research. She had something about Volomnis? Who knows with her.

And me? I was staying here. There was. no way I would go to that house by choice. I'd rather stay here all alone and read than go home.


Later that night, Hermione came and plopped down next to me. "All packed up," she said.

"Great," I said a little to bitter.

"What's your problem?"

"Nothing," I said even though there was one. More than one, actually. 1, death eaters are rising 2, I'm in love with you 3, I don't know if you feel the same 4, I don't understand how any of this works 5, you're leaving me here alone.

Yeah, if I told her the truth, that would scare her away. For sure.

I could just tell myself that I didn't want her. I don't need her. I don't care what she does.

I lie to myself all the time. But I never believe me.


Especially about this. I could never believe that once, I have never cared about her. Even when I seemed to hate her, I did watch her. Rarely, but I did. I cared what she did. I may not have wanted her then, but I still cared.

"Draco," she asked after a long silence, "what's wrong?" She was concerned, I could tell by the tone of her voice. All this time spent together was good for something. I've learned how to read her. "Draco," she asked once more.

"It's-It, you just wouldn't understand! Okay?" She just wouldn't.

She raised an eyebrow. "Try me."

"Why would-"

"Just do it."

"Fine," I said, giving in. "You have your little friends that fit into your perfect little life, and I have nothing. Nothing. While you have everything. You get to go on some stupid trip with your stupid muggle parents, while I sit here and do absolutely nothing. I have nothing, no one left I care about. Except you," he said in a whisper, almost embarrassed. "How does that make you feel, huh?" Then I got up and dramatically stormed into my room. She said she wanted to hear it...

Hermione's POV

I began to feel like such a jerk. This whole time while I was saying how much fun everything would be, not once did I think about him. What he would be doing. I never figured that he wouldn't want to go home. His father is gone. His mother is probably close. He has nothing.
Except me, he had said.

It was probably so hard for him to say. You could never get him to talk. But he had said it. He cared about me.

I quickly ran up to the owlery, and sent a letter to my parents.
So what is the letter about?!? Anyway, sorry its short but I'm a little off, and today's going to be a busy day. But since I love you all sooo much, I'll try to fit in another update later today ;* Comment and Vote!
"We tell lies when we are afraid... afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger."
~Tad Williams


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