Chapter 18

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Hermione woke the next morning. She smiled remembering last night. It all seemed like a dream, too good to be true. But it had been. Her lying in his bed was proof.

Just then she realized how hungry she was. She contemplated on wether to wait for him to come back or go get some breakfast. Breakfast had won.

After putting on some more presentable clothing, she made her way to the Great Hall.

Hermione's POV

Draco was sitting at the Slytherin table, people were gathered all around him. Pansy stood back, looking on desperately.

When I sat down next to Harry, he started drilling mse with questions.

"Where were you last night? Why did you miss the dance? After all that hard work?"

I thought about my answer while chewing on a bite of toast. "I was feeling under the weather." I snuck a glance at Ginny. "Thank you," I mouthed.

"Sick, yeah, sure," Harry said detecting my lie. But he didn't dig any deeper. Thank God.

"So, what's that all about," I asked, gesturing towards Draco.

"They're probably trying to figure out who Malfoy was with last night. They all want to know who the beautiful brunette is."

I almost choked to death on my pumpkin juice. "Beautiful brunette?" I asked, totally stunned.

"Yep, no one knows who Malfoy brought to the dance last night. All I know is that she wasn't right in the head. Going with that ferret-"

"Hey! He's not that bad," I said defensively, but continued to nibble at my toast.

They thought I was beautiful. No one knew who I was. Well this was...something...

After finishing off my toast, I told them I was gonna go work on my homework. Which, was true, but I really just wanted to talk to Draco. Ginny seemed to get that because when Harry started to speak, she changed the subject.

"Did you have fun last night, Luna?" I heard her say as I walked away.

Draco's POV

From the moment I entered the Hall, people, the ones who weren't terrified, started asking me questions.

Everyone wanted to know who Hermione was. I just ignored their questions and continued to eat. When Blaise asked, I told him not now. There was only one good thing about this all.

Pansy. She was totally pissed. She wouldn't even talk to me.

I wasn't sure last night was such a good idea. What if someone found out? What if she decided she didn't like me anymore. Had I come off too strong? Did I say something? So many possibilities came to mind. Fuck, I had probably screwed every thing up. Like usual.

But then why would she have crawled into bed last night. At first, I thought it was all a dream, just some fantasy. But, when I woke, her head was rested on my chest, her small hand on the muscles of my lower stomach.

I wanted to stay like that but I didn't want to be there when she woke, just incase.

And now here she was, walking out of the Great Hall not even bothering to look at me. Yep, I screwed up.

I got up and followed a distance behind. I knew she was going to the common room. Just as I reached the steps, she turned the other way. She wasn't going to the common room?

I followed her, making sure to make as little sound as possible. I soon realized where we were going.

She went to the corner where she found me that night, and stared out the window towards the Black Lake. That's when I started to walk towards her. I didn't really know what I was gonna do, but I just had to talk to her.

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