Chapter 25

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Hermione's POV

That night I was sitting with Draco on the sofa. We had nothing better to do, so I started to tell him a story from my muggle school.

"So you punched him?" He asked in disbelief.

"He wouldn't let me use the monkey bars," I said in a pouty voice.

"I can't believe you punched the little boy," he said shaking his head.

"He wasn't the only one," I said while poking him in the side.

"Like I don't remember that one..."

"You're just upset you got beat by a girl," I told him playfully.

"Hey! I wasn't ready!" He said getting defensive. "How was I supposed to know you were gonna punch me?"

"It's okay," I said and booped his nose. "You're not the only one." I slid my hand across his knee, totally forgetting who he was, and this is what I was exactly trying to prevent from happening. I stood up and went to grab my book, when he grabbed my wrist firmly in his hand.

"So, you're saying you think you could beat me. Right here, right now."

"Yup," I said with a cheeky grin.

This made him smile too. "How about it then."

"What?" He couldn't be serious.

"A duel. Right here. Or are you scared?"

Oh, it was on now. "You're on," I said meeting his eyes, returning the devious look.

We moved the things out of the center of the room, and stood a fair distance apart.

"Ready," he asked in a low growl. I nodded my head.

I made a move to disarm him, but he quickly blocked it. Then he tried to disarm me, but I blocked it. That went on for a little while longer, until I thought of an idea.

"Ow!" I fell to the floor. Quickly, Draco, now concerned, dropped his wand, and ran over.

"Hermione, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Where did it hit?"

"I'm fine, really," I said with a wave of the hand. "Come on, or are you backing out?"

"No." He turned on his heel, and went to retrieve his wand.

"Funetatem!" It was so fast, he didn't have time to react. He wasn't even expecting it.

The ropes shot out of my wand and wrapped around him. Pinning his arms to his sides.

"You're always supposed to know what your opponents are doing." I said, with a hand on my hip, shaking the other one disapprovingly.

"You dirty liar. How dare you trick me Granger?"

"Just gotta know how to win," I simply told him.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now can you get these ropes off me?"

I twisted my wand, and they got a bit tighter.

"Too tight." He gasped. "Can't breathe."

I gave a quick flick of my wand and the ropes disappeared.

He started rubbing his arms. "Fine, okay? You win, are you happy?"

"I am." I turned for one second to look at the time, and the next thing I know, I'm disarmed and lying on the ground. I turn around and see he's holding my wand, smirking evilly.

"What was that you were saying? Always know what your opponents are doing?"

"And I'm the sneaky one..." I sat up, and pushed myself onto my feet. "It's a tie, how about that?"



He tossed it, and me, being uncordinated, missed it completely. It hit the wall and fell to the floor, leaving Draco laughing. "Don't you know how to catch?"

"Oh, shut it."

After having a good laugh, we sat down on the couch. The couch being the only thing we decided to put back at the moment.

Now it was his turn to tell a story. He was saying something about him and Blaise scaring people in the showers or something. We were laughing so hard, my sides started to hurt.

My legs were draped over his thighs, and he was gently touching my thigh.

These were the times I cherished. The ones I would remember. Just the two of us. Being us. Not caring about what anyone else would think.

After the laughing stopped, there was a moment of silence. It was getting late now. "Draco?"

"Hm?" He said with his eyes closed.

"Why can't we just live in the moment? Live like there's no tomorrow. And not worry about the consequences."

"Why don't we," He mumbled, "try it some time."

I thought about my answer for a long time. What did he mean about that? Before I got the chance to answer him, I heard his breathing become shallow, and I knew he was gone. Leaving me to figure out what the hell that meant.

Certainly not what I thought...

Draco's POV

I hadn't realized what we were doing until it was over. We were enjoying each other's company. Having fun with just the two of us. Sure, there'd been better times, where we could tolerate each other but, nothing like this. Not yet anyway.

I felt like the rest of the world didn't matter. As long as I had her.

Heat was radiating from my body where she touched. And underneath the skin, there was a slight tingle, like it was happy.

I liked her in a way more than just wanting to sleep with her. That wouldn't satisfy this deep craving. It was more, but I didn't understand what this more was.

What would it take?
So, chapters are gonna be like about this long from now on, because I have such a busy schedule, and I'm sorry, but I'll still update as much as I can. And, OMG! 1.1K Reads?!?! You guys are amazing!!! I love you! When I wrote this story, I never imagined people would actually read it, you just don't know how happy I am. Anyway, PLEASE comment some names for the new character!!! I'm stumped and the character is introduced once the gang gets back from Chistmas break ;)
Not bothering with a quote, too tired, just finished soccer. Ugh :/

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