Chapter 13

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| "I am both happy and sad at the same time, and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be."

-Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower |

Hermione's POV

I slept good that night. I felt as if nothing bad could happen. But if it did, I wouldn't mind. Because I knew. I knew he had to have felt something too. I could just tell by the look on his face.

But when I woke up, his hand had slipped away. I wanted it to make its way back to my hand, but it wouldn't. That was a one time thing. I stretched out, and kick something. A few seconds later, a heard a groan. "Sorry." I forget she was here. At least she didn't see anything. Or I thought she didn't.

Draco's POV

That night with Hermione by my side was the first night, since He had risen, that I slept without dreams of killing and dark magic. Like she could protect me. But there wast anything left to hide from.

I sat up and look around. Hermione was just waking up and managed to kick the Weasley-No, Ginny. That's her name- in the head, and I laughed to myself. Even with a messy bed head, and a sleepy look, she was attractive. But it was a different kind of attractive. She wasn't the attractive Pansy was, it was more than that. She was beautiful, through and through. In and out.

Ginny mumbled something into the floor, and Hermione told her to repeat. She lifted her head up, "I'm not moving until noon." Then her head fell back to the floor.

I looked at the clock. 12:15. "Well you've already accomplished that," I said and she tilted her head to see the clock.

"Huh. I guess I have. Well, I should probably get going. See you in a few at lunch, Hermione. See you later, Draco."

I shook my head like an idiot, and Ginny ducked through the hole and was gone.

"Anyone up for lunch?" She asked cheerfully.

"Uh, we're the only ones here..."

"And? I was simply wondering if anyone would like some lunch. So that means I'm talking to you."


She smiled, "One second." I wonder what she thought. Could she read me that easily? I had felt something then, and I wanted to feel it again. I put on some different clothes, and looked at my hair. I ran my hand through it, and called it good. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Then I went to wait. Hermione had changed also, and pulled her hair into a ponytaill. "Ready?" I nodded and we walked out of the room. Snape wasn't in his frame.

When we got to the doors, we went our separate ways. Me, to the misery called my life, and her, off to be with her friends and be all happy. I felt a rush of jealousy. She had the perfect life. And me? I had nothing. But yet, I'm asking for everything.

Hermione's POV

I saw him from across the table and felt a longing to be near him. He sat with Blaise Zabini, but they weren't even looking at each other. Why was it him I wanted. I definitely shouldn't, after everything. But for some reason, I didn't want to remember all that. I could look past it. For him.

I just felt the instinct to reach out and hold him. I just wanted to comfort him and make everything okay. I wanted to help him change. I knew he can, he just needs help. Preferably, my help.


When the two got back to their rooms, they both went to their rooms to do "homework." They couldn't face the truth of it: Not being able to face each other. Hermione started on some Ancient Runes, but Draco mind was stuck on Charms. There was nothing he loved. It wouldn't work. Yet, he lifted his wand and cast the spell. He was sure he had cast it correctly. A pink mist erupted from the wand. It came together, and grew bigger until it popped and fizzled away. He had been right but got his hopes up that maybe something would happen.

In the other room, a pink glow was taking shape of multiple objects. Four false images looked at her and smiled. She smiled back and waved. They waved back. With a flick of her wand, they disappeared. She fell on her bed and started to think. She let out a sigh that Draco could hear in his room.

He felt the same thing.


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