Chapter 6

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| "We often confuse what we wish for with what is."

-Neil Gaiman, MirrorMask |

Hermione's POV

When I woke up and Draco was standing there, I started to panic. It's was just a dream. But was it just a coincidence he was here, or was my brain trying to tell me something.

I decided it was best for me not to find out. I sort of felt guilty for yelling at him when I technically had no reason.  But it wasn't anything compared to all the taunting I've taken from him over the years.

After he left, I sat there in my bed, trying to steady my breathing. Now that I had calmed down, my head was throbbing. It felt like my might expload.

I didn't feel like there was any reason I needed to stay, my head had already been treated to, so I left. I didn't know where I was going, but I sure wasn't going back to class were Pansy was, and I sure as heck didn't want to go to the common room, where Draco was headed. But that seemed like my only option.

I slowly made my way to the seventh floor, as I was in no hurry. "Homenum Revelio."

"Ah, Miss Granger! May I ask why you're not in class? You of all people are the least likely to skip, so there must be a reason." I pointed to the bandage on my head. "So why aren't you in the hospital wing?"

"I don't need to stay there. Time turner."

"So shouldn't you be getting back to classes...?" He had a smirk on his face. He wasn't as annoying dead, but he was still obnoxious.

"I said time turner."

"Whatever you say, Miss Granger." He proceeded to open the portrait hole.

I walked passed Draco, who was sitting on the couch, staring into the fireplace, without a second glance, and into my room.

I really had nothing better to do, so I went over to my trunk, and pulled a book out at random.

Romeo and Juliet.  This one, I had read time and time again. It was one of my favorites.

I began reading, and before I knew it, I was about a quarter of the way through the book. I looked at the clock, lunch would be ending shortly. I wasn't really hungry anyway.

I went back to reading my book. A few hours later, my stomach began to growl. Dinner was almost started, and I could finish my book later. I brought it out into the common room with me. I looked around, Draco was gone.

I set the book down on the table, and started to make my way towards the Great Hall. When I got their, there was only a few other students, mainly reading or doing homework.

I sat down at the Gryffindor table, and waited. Slowly, but surely, the Hall started to fill. First Luna, who sat next to me. Then Dean, and Seamus, who sat across from Luna. And finally, Harry and Ginny came in, laughing like idiots. Gin sat sat on the other side of me, and Harry across from me.

"May I ask, what's so amusing?" This made them laugh even more.

"Okay, well you know the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?" Harry asked me between laughs.

"Spindle...yea, why?" They both had finally stopped laughing.

"Okay," Gin started to tell me, "well my feather pen broke, so I asked him if he had another one. He tells me, 'Yeah, one second,' so I said okay. He goes over to the cabinet in the back of the room, and goes to open it. And when-when he..." She started to laugh again.

I looked at Harry. "Well, when he opened it, a boggart jumped out. And it was his mom! Imagine that..." And soon, they had everyone laughing.

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