Chapter 15

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| "If she had looked into his eyes at that very moment she would have seen the inferno that she had thrown him into."

-Llàrjme, Craving U |

Hermione's POV

"Okay then," I took a deep breath, "well, when we first got here McGonagall told us that we coould apparate and disapparate from our room. We don't use it much because, well were would we go. But now would be a perfect time to use it." I said on one long breath. "Who wants to go dress shopping?"

Ginny looked amazed. "Me!" she said eventually.

"Okay, lets go!" I took her hand and we disapparated from the room, and onto the streets of London.

Draco's POV

After a few minutes, I heard the familiar crack and knew they had apparated somewhere.

The dance is tomorrow, I thought.  I know just what to wear.

Hermione's POV

I had came prepared with muggle money, and Gin promised to repay me, though I didn't really care. We ended up at this giant shop called Lipsy at the center of the city.

I already had my dress picked out, but Ginny was still looking through the hundreds upon hundreds of gorgeous dresses.

I knew at first sight, it was the perfect dress. It was a shorter, red, strapless dress. There was sequence along the chest. When I tried it on, I knew I had to have it. I didn't have much, but, it hugged the curves I did have in a flattering way.

After another hour or so Ginny settled on a black and gold dress. It was a bit short, and too... revealing for my taste, but it looked nice on her.

Next, came shoes. I had gotten a pair of silver heels that went with the sequence of my dress. Ginny got golden ballerina flats. We had figured out the hard way that she wasn't very graceful in heels.

We grabbed some fast food, and Ginny was just baffled. Apparently she had never thought of something like this to exist, with such good food. If only she knew how they made it taste so good... but I wasn't going to ruin her excitement now. I easily forgot how different I was from everyone else.

Draco's POV

I took a few deep breaths before opening the door.

"Celia?" I heard from somewhere in the house. "Is that you?" She walked into the living room and dropped the tea tray she was holding. "Draco," she inhaled sharply.


She started to pick it up, but Draco called for one if the house elves. "Shaylie!"

"No, no," Narcissa said quietly, "I can manage." But even as she said that her hands shaked vigorously and she kept dropping things.

"No, Mother, that's what they're here for," Draco said before calling for the elf again. He would be nicer to them, just as Hermione suggested.

Narcissa gave up trying to pick the tray up. "Stop it. She won't come."

Draco started to become impatient. "Well, just get another one! That's why they're here!"

"They're gone, Draco. All gone."

He grew confused. "Gone?"

"Gone," she confirmed.

"But, why? Where did they go?"

She stated down at her feet. "I felt bad for them-"


"-they shouldn't have to be locked away in this house. I know how it feels, and its not good. So I let them free."

Draco started mumbling to himself as he repaired the cups and took them to the kitchen.

He felt angry towards his mother. How could she just think that he was okay? Didn't she see he was hurting too? He couldn't stand her silence, it was like she was shutting the world out. Doesn't she care about her own son anymore?

Draco went up to his room. It was just as he had left it, minus the dust that covered the room. He could tell no one had been in there since he had left.

He walked over to his closet and looked through the various suits. After a few minutes he found the one he was looking for. It was the most expensive thing he owned. He had worn it whenever the Dark Lord was present. Lucius had always made sure they looked presentable. He shivered at the thought.

It was his best suit though, and he loved how it looked on him. He would never say it though, that's not something a guy would say. But, it made his grey eyes stand out even more, and his hair looked more glorious. Though nowadays, it was dull, it has lost its shine with all the stress and fear.

He came back down stairs and found his mother in the family room. She was sitting on the sofa staring at the wall.

"Uh-" She snapped out of her gaze and walked over to him. "Goodbye, Mother," he said without any meaning really. Just announcing his departure.

"Goodbye, Draco," his mother breathed. They stared at each other for a few moments. She wanted to reach out to him and hold him. She wanted to brush the hair out of his face and whisper in his ear that everything would be okay, just as she had when he was little. She was the one he would always come to for comfort. She was the one who could stop the boo-boos from hurting. She was the one he loved. And now, that was all gone. She had neglected him when he needed it most, and now he didn't want her. It was her all her fault, she was the reason her son was gone. As he opened the door, she whispered "I love you," but it was too late. He had already disapparated from the door step.

She stood at the door, wishing she had done things differently. If she had, maybe she would still have her son.


The two parties had gotten back to the common room at roughly the same time. Just as Ginny was leaving, Draco appeared by the fire. It was getting late, the dance was tomorrow. They had a few last minute things to do before setting up, and then everything would be ready.

Harry was going with Ginny, Blaise was going with Pansy, Neville was going with Luna, Dean was going with Hannah Abbott, and Seamus was going with some Ravenclaw sixth-year. Hermione and Draco were the only ones going alone.

Hermione felt butterflies in her stomach as she looked at him. It may sound weird but, he was beautiful. In her eyes, there was no one more perfect.

In his eyes, she was perfection.

She wanted to hold him, and be able to touch him. Just to let her know he was there.

Draco wished for nothing more than to sweep her off her feet, and never put her down. He would hold her and never let her go. He wished that she was all his.

After an awkward few moments of silence, they both decided to go to their rooms.

Hermione hung her dress up in the wardrobe, and put the shoes away, before going into the bathroom.  She quickly brushed her teeth, and put her hair into a bun. She grabbed a towel, but decided to just shower tomorrow. She changed into sweatpants and a long sleeve and lied down on the big bed, a bed too big for just her. She felt alone in the empty bed. She fell asleep almost instantly.

Draco lied down on his bed in the clothes he had on, and tried to go to sleep, but the thought of his useless mother kept him awake most of the night.


I hope that the two updates made up for the wait, and I hope you'll be happy to know that, I'm done traveling around for the summer and I'll be updating more often! :D

Hope you liked the last two chapters, let me know what you think. Thanks for the votes! Love ya guys!

~Mrs. Malfoy {·-·}

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