Chapter 26

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Over the next few days, the two created a bond. But neither would admit what it was. Friendship. It may not be the best, but it was something.

Hermione's POV

Something wrong was happening. I was being to like the time I spent with Draco. In the common room, sharing stories on the couch, became like a ritual every night. Sitting by the windows in the library, talking about everything to nothing. When he laughed, there was this sparkle in his eye. And his smile, like his actual smile, could melt my insides. Just one touch and he could have my stomach in knots.

When no one else was around, he was like a different person. I thnk it was only because his stupid Slytherins weren't around. Why did he care what they thought? Clearly, he understood what my dilema was. I actually had people I needed. He said he didn't like them anyway.

So what was he waiting for?

Draco's POV

I was confused as to why Hermione would want to ditch her week skiing in the mountains, and visiting her little friends to stay here, but I didn't really care anymore. I was glad she did. Maybe she wasn't that bad after all. Once you got past the fact she was a... muggle-born. Yes, that's all.

Five days into break - three days before Christmas - Hermione was sitting at the table, scribbling long letters on some parchement.

*I'm not sure how long break is exactly, so I'm making it two weeks long. Deal with it -.- *

All of sudden, Hermione's words came ringing to my ears. Why can't we  live in the moment? Like there's no tomorrow. And not worry about the consequences.

I had just heard the words as I was drifting to sleep. I thought about it for a long time. But I can't remember if I had told her what I had been thinking.

By now, we both clearly understood that we felt something for each other. I wasn't sure what it was exactly, but there was something. I knew she felt it too.

So what are we waiting for? I think we were both just nervous, I'm guessing. There were so many things to regret. So many consequences, for her at least. There was no one that would really care what I did, but I didn't mean as much to her as her little trio. So it's all on her.

Now that I think about it, if she had to choose, I wouldn't even be considered. So why should I care about her. I didn't need to prove anything to her. She was probably writing them right now...

I pushed the thought of living in the moment away. Far enough away where I didn't have to worry or think about it.

I changed ny mind about talking to her and sat on the couch instead. She put down her quill, and gave me a warm smile. I didn't return it. Her smile faltered but she moved on. "I have to go to Hogsmeade later, do you want to come?"

"No," I said coldly.

She seemed hurt at first, but carried on. "Well, I'll be back soon." Then she left. And I was alone.

I don't understand why I do that. Just one little thing, like the mention of Potter and my mood drops. Just like that. If I really cared about her - which I think I do - that shouldn't happen. I've never thought about anyone else like I do about her, so why doesn't that effect the way I act? At least I don't call her a mudblood, or anything else anymore. But I just couldn't help with my... jealousy. I hate to admit it, but I was jealous of that stupid Potter and - when he was still alive - his boyfriend Weasley. Sometimes I just wonder what life would be like if I hadn't been such an ass to her when we met... I still remember it vividly.

There was a little girl, all alone, looking lost. Her impossibly bushy hair, the dark chocolate, brown eyes. She was nervously biting her lip, but she looked excited to be here. As an eleven year old with high expectations, she caught my eyes as attractive. Nothing special, but she was something.

I tugged on mother's cloak, and she leaned down. I whispered in her ear, "Who is that, mother," while pointing at her.

She refrained from saying mudblood, but still wasn't nice, considering I was 11. "She is a muggle, son. She isn't as... pure as us. Stay away from people like that."

I didn't really know what she meant then. What was the difference between her and me. I had heard my parents mention them before, but I pictured them to be some ugly, eye sore. Nothing like her. But I nodded anyway. I had gotten my hopes up, and let myself down.

She would soon be known as the mudblood to me, and that is all. No more pretty brunette, just a filthy mudblood. Because that was what I was taught.

But I still remember for the first few weeks, I would talk about her with Blaise. Until I understood, then we never spoke of her again.

I had hoped that I could sit with her that day. Hoped she would be sorted into the same house as me. Hoped we could be friends. But all that was over once father talked to me. But now that he's gone, I realize he's wrong. So wrong. If I had just realized that then, so many years ago, things could be different. Would be different.

If only...

Hermione's POV

I walked through the streets of Hogsmeade, looking for something for Harry. I had already gotten something for Ginny, she was easier. I had gotten her a golden bracelet with a Gryffindor emblem, and a red gem. It was so beautiful. Harry... he was a different story.

After several stores, I settled on this new broom cleaning kit, the best of the best. I hoped he liked it.

After paying, I went into the jewlery store to pick up Gin's bracelet - I had them engrave her name into it - when I saw it.

It was a golden pocket watch on a chain with a pendent. The pendent was in Ancient Runes, but that didn't matter, I could still read it. It said "Born Slytherin".

I asked to look at it, and after deciding it was perfect, I paid for both bracelets.


I hope you like this chapter! Sorry about the wait, I've been busy. You know, the usual. I had a hard time with this chapter and I don't even know why, but I hope you like it. Comment and vote! ;)

"We are all capable of good and evil."



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