Chapter 32

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Draco's POV
I had no idea where we were going. I almost toppled into the street. I looked around. We were in the middle of town square. The streets were busy, people running about. Lights were strung over the buildings, windows were decorated with stickers, and there were Christmas trees everywhere. It was still early morning, I could tell be the rising sun cast a pinkish glow.
"I thought we could have some breakfast in London," she said sqeezing my hand. This was all still so new, I didn't squeeze back. "I hope you brought your money," she said while we started walking down the street.
"Well, I'm certainly not paying for breakfast."
When I didn't answer she laughed. "No seriously, I'm not paying for breakfast. I could never afford it. But you're not paying either! My mom's friend has a restaurant here, and it's really good, but really expensive. She never asks me to pay."
We didn't say anything else until inside the restaurant - which looked like a little cottage. It was painted a daisy-yellow, with white shutters, and little four-pane windows in the front. I had no idea what the name was because it was in French.
A young, blonde waitress sat us down at a table in the back. She asked something - who knows what - and Hermione asked for a lady named Meghan.
A girl our age, maybe younger, sat down at the table next to us. She smiled and waved before returning to her menu. That was weird.
Shortly, an older woman with reddish-brown hair, glasses, and freckles came over. She introduced herself as Meghan - in English - before hugging Hermione.
"Oh, my little Hermione," she cooed, "It's been so long!" She pulled back to look at her. "You've gotten so big! And you're becoming quite the fine young lady," she said with a wink. She blushed at that remark and I smirked because to me it was amusing. Then she turned towards me. "And this must be your boyfriend! He's not to bad himself," she said leaning over to pat my cheek that was growing hotter and hotter. "I think you're doing things right, my dear. Anyway, enough nonsense. What can I get you to drink?"
"Um, I'll have some-"
Everyone froze. They stopped what they were doing as the windows shattered. Someone screamed and then everything went black. Hermione called my name, and i tried to feel around for her.
"Give us the boy, and there'll be no problems."
I've got to be the boy. Of course...
I felt around for my wand but it was one. I heard footsteps coming towards our table. A tiny hand grabbed my arm and apparated, taking me with them.
Hermione's POV
Someone was coming towards the table. They were just feet away. They stopped right in front of the table - that I happened to be under. Then they turned and left. I let out a breath I'd been holding in.
"Lumos," I whispered.
I crawled out from under the table. People were starting to get up. Draco wasn't here. My breathing quickened as I panicked. I heard police sirens in the distance. I didn't know what to do so I apparated to Hogwarts.
Draco's POV
We landed on a cold marble floor. I turned to look who had saved me. I caught a glimpse of long, dark brown hair and she turned the corner. I sat up and looked around. Where am I? Before I could think of any answers a spell hit my back and I was out cold.
Hermione's POV
I panicked as I thought of where he could be. He was just with me! They obviously didn't get him because they just turned and left.
That's it! There must be some sort of tracking spell!
I grabbed my wand and raced to the library. I grabbed a stack of about five or six books and started reading. Suddenly I smelled this stronh aroma. It smelled pretty, like wild flowers. As time went on, I became sleepy and sleepier. My eyelids were growing heavy. I was too exhausted to move. I rested my head on the book and fell asleep.
Hoped you liked this chapter, comment any questions or theories you have. Don't forget to vote, I'll love you forever!
"Jude remembered this pain. Every woman had felt some version of it: the end of first love. It was when you learned, for good and always, that love could be impermanent."
-Kristin Hannah, Night Road

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