Chapter 23

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Draco's POV

I saw Luna walk over to Hermione. When she walked away, Hermione looked quite embarassed. She was blushing lightly, and she looked around nervously. Observing if anyone had heard, I presume. I wonder what they had been talking about. Me? I trusted Luna with my secret and I don't think she would say anything it's not like her.

Hermione walked into the common room shortly after me. She sat down next to me so that our legs were brushing. Did she have to do that? Didn't she know how she made me feel? Like I was gonna lose control? I was afraid to let that happen. Afraid to see what would happen. Afraid of what I might do.

But I liked it. I liked the way she felt against me. It felt...right. Different from any other touch. I wondered how her kisses would feel against my skin.

That night had just seemed so unreal, I could have swore I had imagined it. She probably had too. Things like that just don't happen. Not with us anyway. Out of everyone, it had to be us. We were the two that couldn't be together. Wouldn't be accepted. Never could happen. Unless...

Hermione's POV

A tingling sensation was going on in my leg, slowly spreading. I wanted him to touch me. More of my body needed to touch him. It could happen. He could forget about his past. Forget what he was raised to think. I could forget what he had done. Forget who I had loved. We could just forget the past. Then it would work. He just had to want to too.

I pressed my thigh harder into his and it felt so warm. I could feel the heat of his skin. With his pale skin you would think he would be cold. But he was the opposite.

Why did things have to be so complicated? That morning in the common room, when he kissed me, what was that all about? To mess with me? Or that night after the ball, when he let me lay with him, why? But now, he flinched at my touch.

"What are we," I asked quietly.

He sunk back into the couch, and looked at me.

"We're not enemies. We're not really friends. So what are we?"

"Isn't it simple," he asked. "We're just two people, who are forced to live together. Nothing more."

He had answered so fast. Too fast to think.

I could hear the change in his voice. He was lying, I could see it in his face. A smile found it's way onto my face. I got up, grabbed a book and curled up in the ar on my bed. I didn't read one word of it though.


Hours later, when I was lying in my bed, I thought back to his touch. I could forget about the world when I was with him. It was days like this, when I was so happy, that when I got by myself, I thought of Ron. How could I do this, and forget all about him? Could I ever move on, like completely, where I didn't need to think about him anymore?

I just miss him so much sometimes.

I felt a tear silently roll down my cheek. And another. Then another. Until I was silently sobbing. My back rising and falling violently.  My lungs screaming out for air. My buried my head into my pillow and let it all out.

Draco's POV

Out of no where, I hear something from Hermione's room. It was quiet at first, just audible, but it grew louder until I realized she was crying. I tried to block out the noise but putting a pillow over my head, but it didn't work.

I groaned and dragged myself out of bed. I opened the door to the bathroom, and was blinded by the bright light. I crossed the bathroom to her door. I stood there and attempted to open the door. Three times I reached for the knob, but didn't turn it. I thought about just pounding on the door and shouting for her to be quiet.

Quiet Granger! Some people are trying to sleep!

I could have said that. But I didn't. Putting a Muffliato Charm on the room never once crossed my mind.

On the fourth attempt, I turned the door knob. I don't think she sensed my presence because she stayed in the chair, wrapped in a blanket, crying into her pillow.

I slowly walked towards her. I went to reach out but didn't. I came in here, but I didn't think past that.

What do I say?

I sat down on the floor, uncomfortably leaning on the bed post, and sighed. "What's wrong, Granger," I asked trying not to sound too concerned.

She sniffled and looked up at me. "What do you care?"

"Fine, then," I said, getting ready to get up and leave. I knew she wouldn't let me.

"Wait." I shifted my gaze back to her. She had lifted her head up and was looking at me curiously. "Why are you here?"

I don't know, is what I wanted to tell her. Is the truth. Why was I here? Instead, I thought of something the old me might say. Just not as mean. "I could hear you all the way in my room. Obviously I want some sleep so, what's wrong?"

She slid from the chair, onto the floor next to me. She looked at me with those sad eyes. The new part of me, the one that cared, told me to do it.

I patted my chest, and she just about leaped into my arms.

She sobbed into my chest, my shirt becoming damp from her tears, but for some reason I didn't care. Her arms were wrapped tightly around my neck as if she let go, she would be gone. Gone, to never come back. I lightly wrapped one arm around her and placed the other in her bushy hair.

I'm not sure why she was crying, but I wasn't gonna tell her everything's gonna be okay, because it never is. Why would you cry if everything was gonna be okay? I knew. "Hermione," I mumbled into her hair, "I don't know what happened, but just know that, you can fix it. A wise man once said, "It's so much easier to suggest solutions when you don't know too much about the problem." So maybe I can help. Just let me help."

She sobbed some more into my shoulder before mumbling something. "What?"

"I don't wanna talk 'bout it," she said a but louder.

I didn't press her any farther. I understood. I didn't want to be bother when I was upset either. I just wanted someone near me.

I held her until she stopped crying. I held her until we both strectched out along the floor. I held onto her until her breathes became shallow and even. I held her until I couldn't hear anything else.

So I hoped you liked this chapter, sorry I didn't update yesterday and that this one's late, I was at my friends and we watched movies forever. But, now I'm home, so I'm okay. Just by the way, school starts back up on Wednesday so it might be a little harder to update, but stay with me. Love ya guyssss Comment and vote! <3
"If there is no struggle, there is no progress."
-Frederick Douglass

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