Chapter 30

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Draco's POV

"Geez, that's twice in one day, that someone's scared the heck out of me. What is it Her-Granger?"

"Just come with me," she said more normal this time.

I shook my head. "You're coming with me."

I reluctantly got up and followed her. "Aren't you cold?" She put a hand to my cheek. She felt so warm - or was I so cold. "Draco! You're freezing! What were you doing anyway? Just lets get inside!"

Once we were in the common room, she pushed me into the armchair by the fire, and started piling blankets on me.

"Is that better?"

"It would be if I could move."

"Sorry-" she said rushing to fix the blankets.

"Better," I said.

She sat on the coffee table, and stared at me.


"You know what I want," she said while squinting her eyes accusingly.

I actually did know what she wanted. To talk. Like Luna had suggested. Maybe it would work.

"Fine," I sighed. "Lets get this over with."
Hermione's POV

"Why did you kiss me? Again!" I yelled because I was angry, angry of him running away. "I'm sick of being played with. I'm not some toy you know!"

"I know that!" he retorted, just as loud. "It's, it's- just complicated, okay? I don't know how any of this works! I don't even know what I feel!"

"I just don't know," he added as a tear rolled down his cheek. I guess it was just too much.

I jumped from the coffee table and sat on the arm of the chair. I took his head and cradled it on my chest, like my mother used to, and gently stroked his hair.

"I'm sorry," I cooed. Which I really was. "I just thought you were playing me. Like some prank. Don't you remember what I told you last night? Doesn't it mean anything to you?"

He pulled back to look at me. He looked puzzled for a second, but it was lost soon after. "I think. I, I'm not sure. To be honest, I'm not sure about any of this. I-I just don't think it will work, I mean-"

He never got to finish that sentence because I smashed my lips forcefully into his.

It was just as firey as the first. After a moment, I felt his face soften, and his lips began to move with mine. He wrapped his hands around the small of my back, pulling me in closer as I tangled my hands into his hair. The kiss deepened as I slowly opened my mouth and his tongue met with mine, moving together as one. We pulled apart, panting heavily.

"Am I going to have to do that every time I want you to be quiet and listen," I whispered because we were still so close.

He smiled, and his breath was warm on my face.

"What I wanted to say was, I know it's gonna be tough. I know there's gonna be problems. But we can make it work. And wanna know something? Over the past few months, I've realized something. I've realized that I really like you Draco Malfoy. Now are you willing to put forth the effort?"

This time he leaned in and our lips touched. My body tingled, and my whole body was pulsing, right to my very core. That wild fire sensation ripped through me. He bit softly on my lower lip and I groaned at the sudden change. I felt his lips curve into a smile underneath mine. Mine did too.
It was a yes.

So as you know I'm busy, that's why it's short. Just be happy there's something XD Anyway, next chapter's Christmas! It's gonna be a long one so be patient. Anyway let me know what you think of them finally getting together? Comment and Vote!
"“ It's not the face, but the expressions on it. It's not the voice, but what you say. It's not how you look in that body, but the thing you do with it. You are beautiful."

-Stephenie Meyer, The Host


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