Chapter 11

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| "We don't get harmony when everybody sings the same note. Only notes that are different can harmonize. The same is true with people."

-Steve Goodier |


The students were gathered in the Great Hall, for lunch. There was two weeks until the 31st-Halloween-and some of the muggleborns had planoted an idea in the Headmistress's mind. She stood up and called for attention.

"As most of you know, Halloween is fast approaching, and I have decided it's about time for a new tradition. From this year forward, we will be having a Halloween dance!" She paused to take in the students reactions; they seemed neutral for the most part. The teachers were the surprised ones. "Everyone must come in costume, and the costume must have a mask. Masks will be provided by Miss Granger and myself." Hermione started to choke on her pumpkin juice, but McGonagall continued."They will be charmed to match your costumes so, don't worry. It's all part of the fun, no one will be able to recognize another!" Still, no one seemed to be excited. "Everyone will be excused from classes," she added in a monotonous voice. At that, the students started to applaud and cheer. "Miss Granger, Miss Weasley, and Mister Malfoy, I need to speak to you for a moment. That is all."

"I wonder why she needs to speak to us?" Hermione whispered to Ginny.

"Well, I was thinking that we might be in trouble, but then I remembered you're you." Ginny added with a playful nudge.

"Hey! I can be bad if I wanted to..." She said defensively. They all smiled, knowing she really couldn't. "Oh, what does it matter to you?" Hermione glanced back up to McGonagall, and saw Draco almost there. "Come on Gin, Malfoy's already up there."

"Ugh, fine." Ginny whined before obediently following

Draco's POV

I slowly made my way towards where McGonagall was sitting. I glanced toward the Gryffindor table; Grander was talking to the Weasley girl. I had no idea what McGonagall needed the three of us for, but it didn't matter. I heard Hermione laughing with her friends and I felt that familiar wave of jealousy.

"Ah, Mister Malfoy, and here come the girls!" She clapped, and jumped to her feet. "Now, if you follow me, we have some matters to discuss," she said gayly.

Hermione and the Weasley girl followed behind me, chatting in low whispers and giggling, which was quite annoying. I decided just to pay attention to where we were going; the Headmistress's room. I was still baffled on what we were doing exactly. Oh well, we would find out soon enough...

Hermione's POV

We followed McGonagall out of the Great Hall, and trailed shortly behind Draco. Leave it to Ginny...

" two share a room and all," she said in a bored tone, "Have you seen him naked yet?" She added in an immature girlish voice.

I started to blush, remembering the one day in the common room, but I quickly hid my embarrassment. Apparently not quick enough.

She let out a squeal of delight. "You have? Omg Hermione! What-"

"Geez Gin," I quickly stopped her, "calm down! I haven't seem him naked." I paused, and decided not to leave her without anything. "Or at least not completely," I whispered, as a grin spread across both our faces.

"Tell me everything!" she demanded. "How are his muscles? Does he even have muscles? What are they like? What's he got 'down there'?"

My cheeks became rosy and she shot questions at me, left and right. She could be so curious, even with a boyfriend. But I was glad to have someone. "Oh can be so demanding."

"So does that mean you're gonna leave me hanging?" I simply laughed at her, and realized we had reached McGonagall's.

"Shh!" I nudged her so she would shut up already.


The three students stood before McGonagall, who was at her desk. Hermione and Ginny were huddled together, side by side, and Draco was off to the side, keeping his distance. "The reason you are here is because I have chosen you for a special job." Again, she paused for effect. "You three will be in charge of planning the Halloween dance! What do you think?"

Ginny squealed out of excitement, and immediately starting telling her ideas to Hermione. Hermione was just as pleased as Ginny, but Draco... he stared down at his feet. His face; expressionless. It was always so hard to tell what he was feeling. "Miss Granger," Professor continued, "as I said earlier, you and I will be in charge of the masks, but don't worry. I have the masks, we just need to cast the charm and hand them out. Also, there are some things you need to know. The dance starts at 7:00 and is for everyone. Forth years and under must be back to their dormitories by 10:00, the rest of you have until midnight. Oh, and costumes must be appropriate. The rest is up to you! That is all, Miss Weasley, Miss Granger, you may go. Lunch is ending, so head to class. Mister Malfoy, there are some things we need to discuss."

Ginny let out a giggle and whispered, "Ooo, I wonder what for," deserving an elbow to the gut from Hermione.


It's been so long!!! I've missed you all!!! Sorry for the wait, but I've had a lot going on with my uncle and all. But the worst thing is I might be moving!! :'( It may not sound to bad, but it is. I don't want to leave my friends... I'm praying we won't me, cross your fingers! Anyway, what do you think? Is Draco in trouble? What is going to happen at the dance!? Sorry it's short but I'm still sooo busy... I thought summer is supposed to be me time? Oh well... I hope to see you soon! ;)

~Mrs Malfoy

P.S. I read this AMAZING book the other day, and I recommend it to all of you. It's called "Night Road" and it's by Kristin Hannahs or something like that... anyway it's SOOOOO good. But just a heads up, it's a tear jerker. I cried so many times. In short, here is a summary.

Alexa (Lexi) has been in foster care her whole life. Her mom was a drug addict, before she died, so she's been in and out of foster homes her whole life. Until, they find her Great Aunt Eva. She goes to live with her Aunt on Pine Island in Washington. They may not have much, but at least she has someone to love her.

Twins, Mia and Zach, have it all. They grew up on Pine Island with their parents Miles and Jude. Jude is one of those mom's who chaperones every school trip, comes to every school event, plans the school events, and well you get the point. She makes sure her kids have every thing.

Mia and Lexi become the fastest of friends over their lack of friends. Zach soon falls in love with Lexi, and the three become inseparable. Together forever. Well on one hot, summer night, they make a terrible mistake. Nothing will ever be the sane for the twins, and Lexi will lose everything. This one mistake will shape the rest of their lives. How do they cope with this terrible incident. To find out what happened that night, READ IT!!! Its my new favorite book, one of the most brilliant things I've ever read. It really teaches you about family, and what it takes to stay together, and motherhood. It shows you just how fast things can change. With just one bad decision.

Sounds good, doesn't it? Now go and buy it :D

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