Chapter 36

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*The rest of the chapter is finally up! Hope you like!*

"That's the girl from-"

"I know that but-"

"What is she doing here-"

There was a cough from across the room, and the two whipped their heads around to see who was there.

"Yes, Professor?" The female asked.

"May I speak with you two?"

"Er, yeah, of course."


Hermione's POV

"Er, what was it that you, uh, wanted to talk to us about?"

"Well, I came here to talk about Elizabeth."

I gave him a shut up look and said, "What about her, Professor?"

"Well, there was a reason Miss Revay was sent here."

She was silent for a while, and Draco was itching to say something.

"She is, um, how do I put this? She doesn't fit in at her other school, she's not Beauxbatons material. Do you know what I'm saying?" We both nodded. "She didn't get along with the girls there so her parents thought it would be best to send her here. Anyway, as Head Prefects, I expect you to try your hardest to help her fit in. She didn't feel comfortable being sorted, so I thought she could just stick around you two, and you can help her. Can you do that?"

"Yes, Professor," Draco said immediately. "We can do that. Was that all?"

She looked around then back at us. She nodded her head.

Once she was at the potrait hole, I said, "Good night, Professor."

"Good night, Miss Granger, Mister Malfoy."

Once the potrait clicked shut, Draco let out a sigh. "That was a close one. How long do you think she was standing there, anyway?"

"Hopefully not long," I replied. "I just hope that all of this is a coincidence."

"Me too," he sighed.


Things were like a routine now; everyday basically the same. It was something like this;

Hermione would usually get up first, get ready and all that jazz. Then she'd wake Draco up. After both of them we're ready, Hermione would say goodbye with a quick peck on the cheek, and then leave first. Usually, as she was sitting down, Draco would come in. She would catch his eye, and give him a look only he would see. Out in public, they tried not to stare at each other - no one needed to get suspicious - it was almost like nothing ever happened when other people were around, and that was fine.

Classes were different depending on the day, but Gryffindor and Slytherin had most classes together. Hermione took far more classes than Draco, but he took a fair amount too. Like, Care of Magical Creatures (which is surprising considering his "traumatic experience"), Arithmacy, Ancient Ruins, and Advanced Potions, not to mention the others. Hermione took just about everything, except Divination.

She had always planned to tell him about the time turner but it never came up. It wasn't really that important, was it?

Most days, they had a free period together. If they did, they would hurry to the common room. Sometimes they would study, or read, or just sit with each other. Somedays it was nice to just be with each other.

During meals they would try not to look at each other. So basically Hermione had two lives now, Draco kind of did but he didn't have to worry as much.

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