Chapter 28

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Hermione's POV

Everyone around us was staring. After a while it got unnerving. I put my glass down a little harder than necessary, and everyone jumped.

"What?" I said a little snappy, "I can't have lunch with a friend without it being some big ordeal?"

I'm pretty sure everyone got the hint and went back to eating. I smiled to myself. But it was still a weary mood, everyone was whispering, and it wasn't lively like usual.

Just then, Luna walked in. She looked over at us - the only two at the Slytherin table - and I swear she winked. She was smiling brightly, had she been late on purpose, knowing I would build up my courage?

Sometimes that girl amazes me. I mean, one moment she's talking about creatures that never have - and never will - exist, and then she's this knowledgeable girl, who seems to know the answers to all life's problem. I swear she has two personalities.

When I was down, I calmly put down my silverware, and stood up.

I turned to face him, "So, I'll see you in the common room?"

He nodded. I left.

Draco's POV

I knew I probably looked like a fool, opening and closing my mouth, but I didn't know what to say. And she smiles?

So many things were racing through my head.

What is she doing here? She sat next to me! What, is she crazy? She's sitting next to me! Why today, why now, why is she even here? And oh my, she's sitting next to me!

I don't know why I was so excited that she sat next to me, but I guess it was because it was different. No Gryffindor had ever sat at the Slytherin table willingly. At least, not in my books. But I was also confused as to why she even sat here.

Why can't that women just tell me what she wants? How the hell am I supposed to know if she doesn't tell me? Women are just so damn complicated, but she would be worth it.

I think.

Hermione's POV

My heart was pounding, worse than before, and I found myself trying to catch my breath. I feel like I had just accomplished something, broken a barrier. I - a Gryffindor - sat with Malfoy - a Slytherin. That stuff just didn't happen.

But I had done it anyway. I've always been one to do things differently.

But yet, this felt different.

I felt good about it, but something was stirring in my stomach. Not like I was going to be sick, but still there.

I calmed myself the way I know best, reading. I remembered the books I had bought. I had gotten it. A Dying Love. I remember Draco mentioning it way back, I wouldn't have remembered if I hadn't seen it. Then I remembered the conversation. He hadn't really told me what it was about, but I felt the urge to read it ever since he said something.

I sat down on the floor, close to the fire because it was cold for some reason. It's usually never cold, but oh well.

Draco's POV

After about five minutes I had reached the common room. Clearly, I was in no hurry. I wasn't quite ready to confront her yet.

But it was time now. I cast the spell, told Snape the password - he had been so quiet lately, and always looking at me with these weird looks - and slowly walked into the common room.

Hermione was lying by the fire reading a book, and the moment she saw me, she stuffed the book under her chest.

"What're'ya reading Granger? Some adult material is it?"

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