Chapter 33

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Draco's POV

I woke up because I was cold. I could feel the cold marble through my clothes. I looked around. Wait a minute, I know this place. The reason I didn't recognize it immediately was because I never came down this wing. I woupd have to pass the room. It was the a room off of the ballroom, like a second one. Never used it before. Now that I knew where I was, I focused on what had happened.
The restaurant. The attack. The disappearence. The Manor.

It was so quiet. If I listened carefully, I could hear voices down the hallway. I pushed myself off the floor, and slowlt walked to where the noise came from. As I got closer I could make out voices.



"But he could be useful-"

"You're not using him again."


"No," my mother said firmly. He didn't fight anymore. My mother had a way with people. She could make them do what she wanted. They just listened to her. Plain and simple.

I didn't want to think about the fact that they had been talking about me. I knew it. I just didn't want to think about it. I had gotten to close. They stopped talking and could here me walking. I tried to stop but it was to late.

I heard some harsh whispers then Mulciber spoke up. "How nice of you to join us! I see you're getting back out there," he winked at me. "What's her name?"

"Uh-" I said. I couldn't say Hermione Granger. Before I could think of a name, he slapped me on the back.

"He doesn't even know her name," he yelled, facing the other people at the table. "Now that's what I want to here! Just do her and be done with her. Never get attached," he whispered so the women - the few there were - couldn't here him. "Now," he said clapping his hands. "down to business."
Oh great.

I sat at the end of the table, purposely so no one could sit next to me.

"As you know, we've already heard about the arrangements with the mudblood." Actually, I didn't know that. I had to bite from tongue from saying something back. Even though it's been a short time together, it feels different. It was my job to protect her. "Pansy," of course, I thought, "has kept us up-to-date. I'm suprised you haven't killed her yet."

He stopped talking so I knew he was waiting for a reply. "Yeah, it's been hard," I lied.

"So you're probably wondering why you're here, yes?" I nodded slowly. "Well, we're sick of being treated like dirt. These mudbloods think they're better than us! We can't go anywhere without some snide remarks, or looks, and we're sick of it! We will not be shown up by filth. We just need you're help."

Everything stopped. My heart stopped pumping blood. Time stopped passing. My lungs stopped working. My ears were ringing. Everything came crashing down around me. Everything I've worked so hard for, gone. Gone.

"No," I said, trying to sound stern but it came out more as a squeak. "We can't," I said, and gears starting turning. "What if we lose again? Things will just get worse. Is that what you want?"

A woman I recognized stood up. "That's the thing," she screamed. "Things can't get worse!"

"Draco," another voice said, "just help us."

I looked at my mother, huddled in the corner, she looked exhausted, and stiff. They probably threatened her or something. She nodded slightly.

I shook my head reluctantly and people smiled. The decision was made. Some part of me knew this was going to happen at some point, but I just couldn't accept that fact. There was no way around it now.
Hermione's POV

I woke up slowly. Someone was talking and it took me a while to register what they were saying.

"Hermione?" They repeated.

I lifted my head and looked around. Draco was here. Draco!

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Uh, a few minutes. Maybe."

"Oh," I said. "What happened back there," I asked rubbing my still tired eyes.

"Probably a robbery or something... I thought I grabbed you... but it turned out to be a guy... uh, then when I came back you where gone." It sounded like he was confused, or questioning me.

"Yeah, I came back here. I thought you were taken, so I came to see if there was some tracking spell. But then, I just fell asleep."

"Oh." He looked around the room. At the books, the tables, the chairs, anywhere but at me. He looked different. Paler, you could say. He was whiter than usually. His eyes were like a lifeless gray. He looked exhausted. So, he looked like ge did when I first met him.

"Is there something wrong," I asked softly, brushing his arm lightly.

He pulled away and I dropped my hand. I felt a sudden sadness pass through me. What had happened? I looked at the clock, it read 12:05. That can't be right, I thought. Unless-
Draco's POV

I felt guilty. Real guilty. And I was beginning to think she could tell something was up. There had to be some way around all of this. Some way where I wouldn't lose Hermione or my mother. Just how?


"Huh-Oh, uh, no. I'm okay. I'm just, er, thinking. What a great way to kick off Chrismas," I said sarcasticly, putting a fake smile on my face, that she gladly returned.

Deep in my abdomen, I could feel the guilt.
OMG IT'S BEEN FOREVER!! Well not really, but almost a week... I promise not to make you wait that long ever again... or at least I'll try. Anyway, Christmas break only last one more chapter, I've been dragging this out for way to long, anyway all this chaos is not for nothing. It's all leading up to the climax :) Hope you like! In the meantime, comment and vote?

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