Chapter 17

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| "The greatest sadness is falling in love with the right person in the wrong timing."

-Unknown |

Hermione's POV

After everything was done, we grabbed a light dinner from the kitchen, just like everyone else who wanted to eat.

I spent the next three hours readying myself. I didn't have to worry too much about my makeup, but I had my hair. I spent extra time curling it, but keeping it tame at the same time. I pinned most of it up, and left a few loose strands to frame my face. It's harder than it looks.

I carefully put on my dress. It was just as perfect as the first time. I grabbed my mask and went over to the desk.

I put the mask on and watch as it slowly changed from white to red, and little silver beads appeared around the eyes. I had to say, I felt quite beautiful. I haven't been this excited for something in a long time.

I looked up at the clock. 7:00.

I knew what everyone was wearing, so I knew what to look for, but Ginny was the only one who knew what I was wearing. I opened the door and Draco was standing there; hand raised, about to knock.

"Uh-" He paused, and looked over my outfit. "Hi. I, I was just seeing if you were ready...because its 7:00. But I see that you are so..."

I smiled and that seemed to ease the tension.

He had on a crisp, white shirt, with a green vest and tie over it. A black suit jacket was slung over his arm. In his hand, there was a shiny, silver, and black mask. His hair hung loose on his head. He looked dreamy, like some movie star.

"So..." I asked, "Do you want to go to the dance with me? I-I mean walk to the dance with me," I added, my cheeks turning rosy.

"Uh, sure," he said awkwardly and put on his jacket and mask.

Draco's POV

Hermione looked stunning. Her dress fit tight, but in a good way. The mask she was wearing covered most of her face but, I could still recognize her, she stood out, like always.

I just wondered why her? If the two of us hadn't been chosen as Head Prefects, this never would have happened. It's things like this that make me wonder, what's out there? Is it something more than just a coincidence? Whatever it was, I thanked it. It made me realize what I really wanted.

Hermione walked beside me, but we didn't say anything. She just stared ahead, avoiding my gaze. I couldn't help but marvel at her pure beauty. She was just so much more, she wasn't like any other girls I've known. She's different, and that's what I like about her. But not all.

We paused at the entrance. The crowd parted down the middle as we walked through. I'm pretty sure everyone could recognize me, with my blonde hair and all, but no one could seem to recognize Hermione. I heard whispers as we walked.

"Who is she?" "Who is that?"

Once we reached the middle of the Great Hall, we stopped. Everyone gathered in a circle around us.

Hermione leaned over, "I think they want us to dance," she whispered into my ear. She was nervously biting her lip.

"Uh, but..." I started to get nervous. What if I messed up.

She locked her hands behind my neck. My mind went blank. I tried to remember how to dance.

One on her shoulder, one on her hip? Or both on her hips?

I placed them where it felt right, on her waist. She slowly began to sway to the music, and eventually I made myself match.

After the song was over, I was starting to let go, but she pulled me closer. It felt like something was flowing through us. Wherever we touched, something was there.

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