Chapter 49

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| "The young habitually mistake lust for love, they're infested with idealism of all kinds."

-Margaret Atwood, The Blind Assassin |


It was the last day. Everyone left for vacation today. And for most of the 7th years, it would be their last time into this castle that they called home for most of their lives.

Draco slowly made his way down to the train, trying to remember how everything looked. He may not have entirely enjoyed this place but it was home to most of his memories. Good and bad. He'd had a fair share of both.

After a depressing walk out of the castle, Draco took a carriage with Potter.

As odd as it seems, Hermione had brought them together, and they found that they weren't as different as it seems. After all their house prejudice was aside, they got along fairly well. But they had their argument or two every now and then, who doesn't.

The ride down was quiet, neither one speaking much.

But once on the train, as Harry found Ginny in a compartment with Luna and Neville, Draco attempt a goodbye - something he had never been good at.

"Uh," Draco started, rubbing the back of his neck, "well I guess this is goodbye. Maybe I'll see you around sometime?"

Harry, surprising Draco, gave him a one-armed hug. "Yeah, definitely."

Draco looked over at the others and waved. They smiled at him, each saying a little farewell.

Draco walked off to find his compartment. As he reached the back of the train, he took a moment before opening the door to the compartment.

Once it was opened, he took a step inside and he couldn't hold back his grin.

"Where were you," he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at the woman in front of him.

"Taking care of things," she replied as a grin broke out on her face also.

He closed the distance separating the two, gently placing his lips on hers.

"I missed you," she mumbled against his lips.

"I missed you too," he whispered kissing her neck.

Hermione let out a giggle causing him to smirk and he continued to toy with her neck.

She playfully smacked him, "We are in public," she said harshly, but she was grinning just as much as he was.

Draco sat next, Hermione sitting across from him.

"So, what are your plans for this summer," he asked casually.

Hermione smiled up at him brightly. "You."

"I love you," Draco told her quietly, pushing her hair out of her face and brushing his hand across her cheek.

She leaned into him, closing her eyes, savoring the touch. "I love you too."

Hermione was quiet for a while, and Draco knew what she was thinking about. Because, he too, was thinking the same thing. Back to that day, that seemed so long ago.

Hermione heard a knock on her door, and she told Draco to come in. He had seemed nervous at the time.

"Hermione, there's something I need to tell you," he told her, getting straight down to business.

"Yeah, uh, sure. What is it?" Hermione asked curiously, gesturing to the chair at the desk. He shook his head and began pacing.

"You remember that day when... I broke up with you," he asked looking at her.

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