Chapter 35

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Hermione's POV

"Ouch! Geez Hermione, it's only been two weeks!"

"Sorry," I said, letting go of Ginny and patting her shoulder. Harry stepped off next and I launched myself onto him, just as forcefully. He toppled over, and then I got off. He stood and rubbed his elbow.

"Why hello, Hermione! What a warm welcoming."

"Sorry," I repeated. "It's been a long vacation..." Lie, I thought. I never lie. "So," I said to change the topic, "what's up?"

"We're not even inside yet," Ginny pointed out. "One thing at a time."

I had gotten up early today - I happened to still be snuggled next to Draco - and told him about today.

"Er, Harry and Gin get back today," I had said. I'm pretty sure I saw an eye roll. "And well I was hoping to spend the day with them..."

"Yeah, whatever," he replied in a cold voice. "I have to meet Pansy anyway," he added in an arragant tone.

Just like that, one word and I lose the Draco I began to care for. He needs some maintenance that's all...

I helped the happy couple up to the Gryffindor Tower, where we were able to relax.

We talked for an hour or two about Christmas at the Weasleys. Even with the missing ones, things sounded pretty much the same. Mrs Weasley still yelled, George was as funny as ever, Bill and Fleur were still them just with a new baby, and Chalrey was well, Charley. Things Change. You just have to deal with it.

When they asked me what I had done, I got a little nervous. Here come the lies. I'm terrible at lying so I tried to avoid the cautious eyes, and act relaxed.

"You know me," I said with a fake smile, "I've got to study. Isn't that the reason we came back? Got to get ready for the tests," I laughed nervously, but they didn't seem to notice anything wrong.

"Oh, Hermione," Harry shook his head. "You and your books. That will be your death. Too much reading!"

We all laughed, me sighing internally that I had lied successfully. Maybe he's rubbing off on me.

At lunch, I sat with all my fellow Gryffindors, and Luna of course - who kept eyeing me. We had a good time and shared some laughs. I can't imagine life without these people I began to love. I can't imagine life without magic. I don't know where I'd be if I never got that letter. It was meant to be, it was what led me here.

After lunch I told them I had to go finish the DADA essay.

"It hasn't even been assigned yet!"

"Harry, you know me."

He sighed, "Yeah, I do. Well, we'll see you tomorrow at breakfast before class."

I nodded and smiled before leaving. That was close. How am I supposed to keep this up?

Draco's POV

Potter and Ginny came back today, along with Pansy. I felt so jealous that I threw that out there. I didn't even want to see her, let alone spend the day with her. So, I just pretended to.

Hermione came back earlier than I thought she would. "What are you doing here," I asked.

"Well, I just figured since I spent the day with Harry and Ginny, I'd spend the night with you."

I didn't say anything. I was still pretty angry, and I might blow up if I opened my mouth. And that was the last thing I wanted to do.

She plopped down on the couch, and I gave in. I couldn't stay mad at her. I moved from my spot on the chair next to her. She smiled and snuggled under my arm. Immediately, I felt whole again. Like, I just can't explain, but she makes me feel better. Because like I'm this bad guy but I'm not, it's just hard to explain.

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